In the kitchen


Why It's Important To Declutter Your Pantry At Least Once A Year

When prepping or stocking up in case of an emergency, it is important to regularly check your stock for expired items.

Can you Remove an Oven Door to Clean inside the Glass?

It is easy enough to clean inside the oven cavity but did you know that you can easily remove an oven door to clean inside the glass panels?

Get Rid Of Smelly Indoor Drains

If you have a smelly drain in a bathroom or kitchen it could be an early sign that immediate action be taken to clean out the drain to prevent future blockage and also get rid of the smell at the same time.

Quick Kitchen Facelift that Costs Nothing!

If your kitchen is making you feel depressed then perhaps these tips will help you to give your kitchen a quick and easy facelift without spending any money!

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5 Tips for Installing Gas in Your Home

Amid the electricity crisis the country finds itself in, having gas in your home is now not only a lifesaver.

Is It Worthwhile to Invest in a Gas Water Heater

With the arrival of cold weather and in conjunction with Stage 6 Load Shedding, hot water is a luxury that is hard to come by, but is it worth investing in a gas water heater?


How To Maintain Optimal Humidity Inside Your Home

If your home suffers from poor humidity, it can damage the structural integrity and encourage the growth of mold and mildew, both of which will result in costly repairs.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions For A Greener Home

Look at how you can incorporate eco-friendly cleaning solutions into your routine when cleaning a home.

When Does a Microwave Become Dangerous?

The microwave has become an integral part of the kitchen, but these appliances are not meant to last a lifetime and you should know when a microwave becomes dangerous to use.

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Cleaning Hacks that Save you Money

Rising inflation equals rising prices and we all need a way to reduce our monthly spending, which is why you will love these cleaning hacks that will save you money.

Best Air Fryer Tips to Follow

This article discusses some of the best tips for using an air fryer. We will also cover what to consider when buying an air fryer.

Top Tips to Organise your Refrigerator

With day-to-day living taking up most of our time, some tasks get put off for as long as possible and cleaning out the refrigerator is just one of those jobs.

How to Remove and Clean Inside an Oven Door

When it comes to cleaning an oven, everyone knows how to clean inside, but what if grease has managed to get inside the door - what then?

Be Careful How you use Teflon Pans

We sometimes get left in the dark when it comes to health hazards and Teflon-coated pans are more dangerous than you might think.

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Which is Better, Gas or Electric Hob?

When it comes to a gas or electric hobs and which is better, I'm kinda on the fence since both have pros and cons.

What is a Hibachi Grill?

As an alternative to a braai or gas grill, the Hibachi offers the convenience to grill foods, one that takes up little space and is used primarily to bring out the flavours of food.

Cleaning Tip: Refresh Dirty Or Dull Tile Grout

Looking to give bathroom or kitchen tiles a makeover - try refreshing dirty tile grout without the hassle.

Deep Clean Your Kitchen: A Step By Step Guide

There are many ways to keep your kitchen clean but deep cleaning this room is something that should be done regularly.

Caring for Stainless Steel Pots and Pans

Stainless steel pots and pans are becoming increasingly popular, but you need to use these types of pans with care if you want them to last.

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An Easy And Effective Method - Or Two - For Cleaning Baking Trays

When you're a busy home baker making goodies for your family, you want an easy and effective way to clean your baking trays.

Keep Fruit and Vegetables Fresh for Longer

Everyone is trying to keep trips to the shop to a minimum, here's how to keep your fruit and vegetables fresh for longer.

How Safe is Your Cookware?

To assist you with choosing the best cookware, we have prepared a list of materials that are the safest for you and your family.

How to Avoid Appliance Repair Scams

If you don’t want to end up scammed for your appliance repairs, you have to be aware of some of the scams out there.

Appliances that YOU can Repair

With the price of appliances on the increase, and prices due to hike this year, here are few appliances that you can repair with spares and parts you will find locally.

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Not all Stainless Steel is 'Stainless'!

Did you know that not all stainless steel is actually stainless and that some manufacturers claim a product to be 'stainless' steel when it is not.

How Clean is your Fridge?

We always spend a lot of time making sure the hob and oven is clean, but often overlook the greasy filters in the extractor hood.

How Clean is your Fridge?

By the time you read this, Spring should have sprung and we are all getting round to essential cleaning in and around the home - which includes the fridge.

Guide to Buying The Perfect Water Purifier

Here are some things to consider before buying your very own water purifier.

Quick Tip: Give your Dishwasher a regular clean

Many use a dishwasher on a daily basis, but it is also important to sanitize a dishwasher regularly to ensure it is hygienic.

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Using a Dishwasher the right way

Dishwashers have become popular appliances in the kitchen but are you using yours correctly?

How to deal with Fruit Flies

Lately, I have been inundated with fruit flies and I decided to do some research on how to deal with these nuisance pests.

Deal with plumbing emergencies

There are going to be times when something goes wrong with your home plumbing, whether it be a leaky tap, a blocked drain, or a toilet that won't stop running.

How to replace fridge door gasket

The final step in restoring my refrigerator is to replace the door seal, and you can see how easy it is to replace the fridge door gasket in the step-by-step below.

Repair plastic door inserts for fridge

I'm busy revamping my fridge to repair cracked and broken plastic door inserts and crisper bins.

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New look for refrigerator

The door seal on my refrigerator finally gave up, and after looking at the price for a new fridge, I decided to save money by replacing the seal and giving the refrigerator a makeover.

Wines best served chilled

If you've ever drank a less-than-thrilling bottle of vino, its temperature could be the culprit.

Top Tips for using an Air Fryer

The air fryer has become every kitchen's must-have appliance. Here are some top tips for getting the most out of your air fryer.

Organise your Tupperware 

If your Tupperware drawer or cupboard is looking like it got hit by a tornado, time to get organised. 

Uses for Borax in the home

I have had an Not many people are aware of Borax and its many uses in the home. We compiled a list of ways to use Borax, and why you should have at least one box in your pantry.

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Is Our Drinking Water Clean?

I have had an RO Water Purifier installed for the past 6 years. Every year the cartridges are changed. This year, two of the cartridges were loaded with bacteria... Why?

Protect against mildew and mould

During the rainy season, especially in the summer months, mildew and mould love damp, warm spaces. Here's how to ensure your home is mildew and mould free and free from smelly odours.

Keep bacteria at bay

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen, whether we're cooking evening meals, popping a wine cork to relax after a hard day's work, or having friends over for dinner. But there are a few things you may not be doing to ensure your kitchen is a family-friendly zone.

Buying a braai

September is Braai Month, and if you're looking to buy a new braai, here are some tips on choosing the right braai for at home or away.

Clean a hob the eco-friendly way

When you have a toughened glass hob you need to clean without scratching. Here's an eco-friendly cleaner that works on tough grease.

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Microwave myths

A microwave is simple to use, quick - and use far less energy than a standard oven. Yet even with great advances in technology, myths around microwave cooking continue to persist in health-conscious homes.

Keep your food fresh in the heat

Whether your household is considered to be on the higher-end or the lower-end of the income scale in South Africa, you are sure to feel the pinch as the drastic effects of drought have got the food prices shooting through the roof. The last thing you need is food spoilage

Spotlight on World Food Day

Food brings people together, it nurtures and makes people smile. World Food Day is happening on 16 October 2016 and is dedicated to appreciating the value of the food that we have.

It's time to upgrade to energy efficient appliances

Upgrade to energy efficient appliances and save on your monthly bill and reap the benefits of advanced features.

What is baking soda?

I often receive enquiries  asking where to buy, or what is, baking soda. For those that don't know, baking soda is also known as Bicarbonate of Soda, or Bicarb.

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Clean away grime and mineral deposits without chemicals

As we look for greener, more eco-friendly options, cutting out toxic cleaning products is one way to clean your home, and you don't need expensive cleaning products - packed in plastic bottles or refill packs - to do this.

New collection of Elite Ball jars

The elegant and contemporary jars, with their beautiful brushed silver lids and bands, are sold in a 4-pack and are the perfect size for craft projects, or as an ideal gift size for jams and jellies, or for condiments.

Life hacks that make everyday living easier

These days we are all pushed for time, and a few life hacks go a long way towards making everyday living easier.

If in doubt... don't drink the water!

When it comes to clean drinking water, South Africans shouldn't be surprised to find out that drinkable tap water might be a thing of the past.

Safe use of LP gas in the home

The use of LP gas in the home is a popular choice for many as we look for options during power outages and to cut down on the monthly electricity bill.

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How to put out an oil fire in the kitchen

 I am sure there are many homeowners out there who have experienced the fear of putting out an oil fire, but if you haven't here are some tips to ensure you handle the situation.

Pattex Repair Gel / Glue for quick fixes around the home

Pattex have recently launched a new product and I decided to put it to the test. Pattex Repair Gel and Glue are suitable for use indoor and outdoors, since both products are waterproof once cured.

Make your own eco-friendly home cleaning products

With so many people putting eco-friendly or homemade cleaners and polishes to the test, the recipes for homemade household products have evolved to be more efficient and less affordable.

Fix a stove top or hob burner plate that doesn't work

Years or use and neglect mean layers and layers of grease and chances are the one or more of the hob plates don't work. Replacing a broken hob plate isn't difficult and you can buy appliance spares for a wide range of stove models.

Repair chipped crockery or ceramics

Today epoxy glue and putty make fixing chipped or broken crockery and ceramics simple. You can repair a treasured cracked vase, or restore grannies old tea set and put them back into use without anyone even knowing they were damaged.

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Maintain a gas braai for your safety

If you haven't yet fired up the gas braai, before you do here are some maintenance tips you should perform on a regular basis before lighting that flame. A seasonal maintenance check of your gas grill is essential for ensuring the safety of your family and your home.

Refresh a home the eco-friendly way

Pop on your apron, tie your hair up and grab a few eco-friendly cleaning essentials to give your home a complete spring makeover from top to bottom. Here are some spring cleaning hints and tips to get you started...

How clean are your cleaning products?

With its slogan that it kills up to 99.9% of household germs, the Brit -produced product was declared unsafe for use after SA's National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications performed testing and found the brand wasn't living up to it's promises.

Clean the dirtiest microwave with easy

Toss out those toxic cleaners and use natural products to clean a microwave. All you need is a jug or bowl of water, lemons or concentrated lemon juice and a cloth to refresh and clean a really grubby microwave.

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Care and cleaning tips for stainless steel surfaces

As one of the most resilient materials for household use, stainless steel is a practical finish for many surfaces and appliances.

Using natural cleaning products

Here are some home cleaning tips that show how natural cleaning products really do work and they won't harm your health or your family in the process.

Defrost a fridge... fast

I have a frost-free fridge-freezer combination. You did notice that I said frost-free right? At least twice a year I have to remove big chunks of ice from the back of the fridge, so how is that frost-free?

Keep knives sharp

One of the best ways to sharpen your knife is to use a whetstone – it takes a little time and patience but, once you’ve mastered it, you’ll never have to battle again with a blunt knife.

Light my fire

This article is for all the single women out there who want to avoid the embarrassment of being completely oblivious on how to light up a braai or having to ask someone for help.

Repair a tumble drier

My tumble dryer is one of the oldest appliances I own, and while I do need to replace it with a more energy efficient model, I simply cannot afford it at the moment.

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Fridge repairs

Here are some simple fixes for the four most common refrigerator problems: an ice-maker breakdown, water leaking onto the floor, a cooling failure and too much noise.

Energy-efficient appliances

With all the appliances and cleaning products touting their eco-friendly reputation these days, how do you know which ones are legit?

Ants taking over?

Every morning I wake up to a kitchen sink that is covered in an army of ants. When trying to get rid of ants, it’s helpful to first have a basic understanding how ants live and thrive:

Need more kitchen space?

For many families, the kitchen is the busiest room in the house. Even though kitchens are a hub for conversation and great food, they can also become a black hole for household clutter.

Home remedies

You don't always need to use harmful chemicals in the home to sort out odours, stains and other problems. There are plenty of home remedy solutions.

Natural cleaners

By using all-natural substances to clean your home you can have a healthier home and a healthier family and many of the natural home cleaning methods mentioned here are significantly cheaper than manufactured cleaners, saving you money as well.

Philips AirFryer - healthy chips without the oil

The new Philips AirFryer is a revolution in home cooking that doesn’t require oil in the cooking process, allowing you to fry a variety of tasty meals which are simple, healthy and fast.

6 Costly Appliances that Should be Chosen Carefully

Every home has costly appliances which need that great attention while buying them. We list some of the things you need to consider prior to buying them.

9 Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products and Methods You Can Use Today

Here is a list of eco-friendly cleaning products and methods that Mother Nature will thank you for.

How To Start Brewing Your Own Kombucha

Kombucha is a drink that has been sweeping the Western world for some time now despite being drank for a long time in Asia.

Ways to Organize and Store your Spices

In this article, we look at smart ways to organize and store your spices

Tips to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home

With these basics tips, you too will be able to make the perfect cup of coffee, every morning, in the comfort of your own home.

How To Filter Out Bad Contaminants In Water

Here are some strategies on how you can filter out bad contaminants water often has in it.

The Best Water Filters You Can Buy in 2021

In this article, we list some of the water filters you can buy to improve the quality of water coming from the taps in your home.

How to Keep Coffee Hot for Absolutely Ages?

If you are struggling with keeping your coffee hot, we offer some solutions.

How to choose bakery racks?

Bakery racks offer heavy duty support with consistent quality construction, utilizing materials of construction and reliable performance for heavy duty storage tasks.

How to Minimize Waste Water in RO Systems?

We look into the reasons behind waste water production in RO systems and explore effective methods to minimize and reuse this.

Understanding Appliance Error Codes and How to Decode Them

Deciphering error codes becomes essential for effective troubleshooting when an appliance malfunctions.

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