Can you Remove an Oven Door to Clean inside the Glass?

It is easy enough to clean inside the oven cavity but did you know that you can easily remove an oven door to clean inside the glass panels?




Cleaning inside the oven cavity is a necessary task that needs to be done regularly to keep your oven free from baked-on grease, but not many people know that you can also remove the oven door to clean inside the glass panels on the door. Why would you want to do that? No matter how hard you try or how often you clean the oven, sometimes debris and grease make their way to the inside of the door and are visible and need to be cleaned.



What many people do not know is that it is easy to remove an oven door and take it apart to be able to clean inside the door itself. This lets you clean away any crumbs or grease streaks so that your oven is truly clean both inside and out.



Everybody knows how to clean the inside of an oven and for those of you that don't, we include a few tips below that will assist in keeping your oven clean and free from burnt-on grease and food spills. This article will be of particular interest to anyone who rents their home, since ovens are not always the cleanest when you move into a new rental property and ovens can be covered in burnt-on grease that smokes every time the oven is used.



Eco-Friendly Oven Cleaners





You don't need toxic oven cleaners to keep an oven clean - you can use eco-friendly products such as Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Powder) and white spirit vinegar to remove baked-on grease in the oven cavity. There are also citrus-based cleaners that are very effective in removing grease and grime and you can find these online or at select stores around the country.



Old-fashioned but natural cleaners are still around today mainly due to the fact that they worked then and still do the job now, but we have been lured by the easy option of buying toxic cleaners that do the job faster, most of which are expensive and really harmful to the environment.



An eco-friendly and effective cleaner for removing grease inside the oven and cleaning the oven door is the combination of Bicarbonate of Soda and white spirit vinegar. When combined, they are amazing at breaking down grease to make it easier to wipe off. And the good thing is that you probably already have or use these in your kitchen.






How to remove and clean inside an oven door

Few people are aware of the fact that you can remove the oven door from its frame and also open up the door to be able to clean inside. It often happens that steam in the oven causes greases to drip down inside the door and unless you remove and take the door apart you are not able to clean this away.



There is a video below that explains how to remove a door and then it is a matter of loosening screws to take the door apart. DO have towels or rugs on which you can place the door components while you clean them and put the removed screws in a safe place so that they do not get lost.



You can use ordinary dishwashing detergent and a soft cloth to clean inside an oven door. You must be careful not to scratch the glass, so soaking a cleaning sponge in hot water will make it easier to clean away any grease.



The videos below provide a step-by-step tutorial on removing and cleaning inside an oven door. Not all ovens are the same, but the principle is. Any oven door can be removed, and you just need to determine what needs to be clicked or unscrewed and then hold the door at the right angle to be able to lift it off the hinges. 













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