Hiring Contractors - The Do’s and Don’ts of Renovation

Here are a few tips on how to maximize the efficiency of any contractors you hire.




When doing some bigger work on your home, you might need to hire a couple of contractors with the skills and knowledge to get the job done professionally and within a quick time period. Whether it’s a paint job or completely fixing up the house cellar to attic, you want the experts on the job so that you’re sure your home is getting the right care.

But you can’t just expect them to know how to do their job without the proper equipment or guidance, so here are a few tips on how to maximize the efficiency of any contractors you hire.


Set clear expectations

Talk to the team and tell them exactly what your expectations are, and in what period. The things that you put the most focus on while talking are the things they will remember. So don’t spend too much focusing on the details that aren’t that crucial - you can mention those down the line as work progresses. The worst thing you could do is be vague and tell them that you don’t care about how something turns out, or that it’s their choice. Do your research beforehand. Otherwise, you’ll only be able to blame yourself for your home not turning up exactly the way you wanted it.


Make sure they have the right tools

No job can be done without the proper tools in place. Oftentimes, your contractors will bring their own tools. But this isn’t a given, so make sure it’s something you discuss in advance and adapt the cost accordingly. If you’re not sure what tools to provide, or you want to check how their equipment danks, the experts at The Best Power toolz have some very helpful lists that can guide you along. If the contractors by any chance aren’t coming over in person to scope out the location before starting work, you will need to be quite detailed with all the materials they’ll be working with so they can come equipped.


Give feedback, but don’t micromanage

Feedback is important. You can’t just say what you want done and then leave, only to return when it’s all finished. Because once it’s all finished, there’s little you can change. Instead, you should visit the site often and get updates on how the work is progressing. If you see something you don’t like or that you’d like done differently, flag it immediately.

The sooner you catch miscommunication, the better. However, you need to trust that these people know how to do their job, and they know the ins and outs of the trade better than you, so don’t micromanage and let them do their job without telling them how to do it. If you try to micromanage, you’ll only end up slamming things up and getting them irritated.


Hire an overseer

If you can’t visit the location often, or if you just don’t have the knowledge to oversee the situation, you might want to hire an overseer. Often a team of contractors will have their own overseer and that’s the person you’ll have contact with, and it’s important that they have both social and architectural skills. If you’re hiring them to both design the space and oversee, you’ll want to take a good look at their portfolio and have a long talk about what exactly you want. But if they’re only overseeing to make sure everything is done diligently and to your specifications, then you just need someone you trust, with a good recommendation.



Have a schedule

You might think that if you hire people to work long days, the job will be done in a shorter time. It might, but people will also get tired and lose focus, so the job might not be done as well. In addition to that, some things take time to dry or set, so you will want to work together with your contractors to make a plan of action that works for everyone. It’s important not to rush things if you want them done properly, because a rushed job is never a good thing long-term. Contractors are usually paid hourly, so it won’t cost you anything additional to have them working shorter days for a longer time.

Working with contractors can often be a stressful experience, especially if you’re not used to working with people in that capacity. This is why it’s crucial that you know what you want before they even come over, you trust their expertise and make sure they are equipped to do the job well. If you follow all of the tips mentioned above, you’ll have a headache-free experience and your property will look better than ever after they’re done.



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