Does Your Roof Just Need To Be Repaired Or Does It Need To Be Replaced?
Upon inspection, you might find some faults to repair your roof or replace it entirely, and we provide a few pointers that can help make that decision.
As your home grows in age with you, you have to do regular checks to make sure that everything is being maintained properly. This will include frequent inspections to your roof to ensure that it is still in good shape. On your inspection, you might find some faults or points of concern and question whether or not you should repair the roof or replace it entirely. Here are a few pointers that can help make that decision for you:
Most roofs have a lifespan that ranges from 15 to 30 years. If your roof was installed fairly recently, you most likely won’t have to do any replacements for a while and can conclude that you only need to do repairs on it as long as the damage is not substantial. If you start to find that you are doing more frequent repairs with a roof that is about 20 years old, it might be time to consider replacing it.
Are they cracked, discolored, damaged or missing? If your shingles are missing, do not hesitate to get new ones as soon as you can. Those shingles are there to protect your roof, and failure to replace shingles that are missing or damaged in a timely matter can result in damage to the underlying material which can cause rotting and leakage.
Leaks and Cracks
In the event of storms, you should take the time to do a quick inspection of your rooms located on the highest floors of your home. Finding leaks in your attic can help you determine how much repairs you might need to do on your roof. In the event where more extreme leaks and flooding are occurring from your roof, this can lead to water damage that can affect the rest of the house. You might have to look into getting yours replaced entirely if it’s just that bad. However, having to replace your roof is quite an investment if your roof is really old and way past it’s recommended age. Nowadays, there are some innovations when it comes to roofing that was not available a couple of decades ago. You can also periodically check for cracks to see if any sunlight is shining through and how much. You will have to determine how widespread any damage might be which will help you understand which decision you need to make.
Sagging Roof and Rot
If your home has any structural issues or you see visible evidence of damage in your home, that can be a sign that you need an immediate fix and that can be a bigger problem than a simple repair can handle. The presence of rot in your home or a sagging roof can indicate that repairs have not been sufficient to keep your home protected and that it needs a replacement. This can be the result of poor installation of replaced shingles not doing their job sealing out moisture, or even multiple weak spots in your roof, Whatever the cause for concern, substantial damage to your home will typically require not only your roof replaced, but other parts of your home to be repaired as well.
Residence Tenure
How long are you planning on living in your home can give you a good gauge on whether or not you should repair or replace your roof. If you are not planning on living in your home for the next few years and are looking to sell it, doing repairs on a roof that is in good shape may make more sense. Granted, a new roof in pristine condition can add extra value to a home you plan on selling, so it comes down to how much the job to repair your roof compares to the cost of replacing it entirely.
Where you live and the type of weather in your area can be a determining factor in the decision to do repairs or a full replacement on your roof. In more volatile areas where weather can be unpredictable and change frequently, it may make more sense to do a full replacement of your roof instead of simple repairs. This is because if weather tends to be more drastic in the area where you live, even small damages can turn into bigger problems down the road depending on how frequent your roofing might be exposed to elements like rain or snowstorms. In more relaxed climates, you may be able to get away with doing minor repairs to your roof as it won’t be exposed to such harsh conditions.
It is important to frequently check your roof and the condition it is in. As your home ages, your roof will need to be repaired more often if not maintained properly. Understanding a few factors can help you make the decision of whether it is time to replace the roof as a whole, or if a repair is good enough. This will help keep the rest of your home safe and prepared for whatever weather conditions will put you through.