Are Your Missing Out On Sound Sleep? Start With A Clean Bedroom

Here are ways to transform your bedroom into a peaceful haven, where you can get the best sleep.






Do you wake in the morning feeling exhausted after a night of tossing and turning? Everyone needs restorative sleep every single night for our overall health and wellbeing.

There are many different types of sleeping problems and the solution is the find the one that works best for you. From a pre-bedtime routine to help you relax and unwind, and prepare your mind and body for sleep, to ensuring your bed is comfortable and your bedroom is decorated to provide a calm, soothing atmosphere - these are all factors that impact our quality of sleep.

Take the first step in transforming your bedroom into a space where you can enjoy the best sleep and improve health and wellbeing.


Bedroom zen

Bedrooms, ideally, need to be places of calm and comfort. Consider keeping your sleep space free of devices, including television, and work stress. It is well documented that a dark room aids sleep and light distractions such as LED lights on clocks or devices, however dim, can have an impact on your sleep.



Many research studies show that there is a strong correlation between our quality of sleep and risk factors for health concerns. A calm and quiet bedroom is about more than just a good night’s sleep, it’s an investment into your health.



Mattress matters

Cumulatively, we spend a great deal of our lives asleep which means we spend a lot of time in bed. Think about your bed and the mattress as not just an important piece of furniture but central to your overall health and wellbeing. Invest in the best quality mattress you can afford, ensuring it allows your body to rest comfortably while you sleep.

Mattress should also be cleaned regularly. Start by removing all the coverings - and give those a wash in the washing machine - and then vacuum the mattress using the upholstery attachment that comes standard with most vacuum cleaners. You can also use a commercial stain remover on surface stains and marks but you want to avoid getting the mattress too wet because it will take ages to dry right through.





If you do not have one, a mattress protector not only provides an additional layer of protection for a mattress but can also be added as an extra layer of comfort and most can easily be laundered in the washing machine.



Dressed for sleep

The bedroom is a private space and one that should be calming and peaceful. Beautiful bedrooms in magazines or on Pinterest look inviting and comfortable because they’ve been dressed or styled. Do the same for your own by investing in beautiful bed covers, a comfy duvet and fluffy pillows. As with any other room in the home, personal touches make the room uniquely yours - whether you add a few colourful or interesting scatter cushions, a personal piece of artwork, textured throw or interesting decor accents for the bedside table.


Clean and clutter-free

In the bedroom clean and clutter-free equals calm. SweepStars, the efficient domestic workers who, via the SweepSouth app, are booked to clean thousands of homes every week, highlight two important things when it comes to cleaning a bedroom: move the bed so that you can clean behind and underneath it, and vacuum the curtains.

These are areas that accumulate a lot of dust and are often overlooked in the regular cleaning process.

Consider that dusty bedrooms can lead to breathing problems or health issues if bacteria or viruses are present in the air.
Additionally, studies have shown that people sleeping in a cluttered bedroom often take longer to fall asleep than those with a tidy, uncluttered space. SweepStars suggest doing a deep clean and general tidying up of your bedroom as often as possible. If you don’t have the time to do this, get assistance from SweepStars on the SweepSouth app to ensure your space is clean and the air is clear, setting you up for a great night’s sleep.