Health benefits of fish oil
Fish is still one of the healthiest foods that we can consume and, while oily fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut and others are high in fish oil, the easiest and most affordable way to reap the benefits of fish oils is by taking supplements.
Scientific and medical research on omega-3s has been exhaustive, with many medical and scientific studies published on them in just the past 15 years.
Studies have revealed that fish oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial impact on depression, anxiety, specific cancers, lowering cholesterol and many other conditions.
Solgar provides a natural, concentrated source of the essential Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from deep-sea, cold-water fish. EPA and DHA support cardiovascular, joint and immune health. Fish oil is tested for optimum purity. It undergoes molecular distillation to remove mercury and other harmful contaminants.
Health benefits of fish oil
You can think of the omega-3* family
as a series of stepping stones, with
one compound serving as the
precursor for the next. The 'parent'
molecule, alpha-linolenic acid,
functions as the fundamental source
of much more potent omega-3s.
Alpha-linolenic acid is found in
flaxseed oil.
Most people do not efficiently convert alpha-linolenic acid to the more biologically active members of the omega-3s, while others want their omega-3s to work faster. For these people, fish oil supplements may be the ideal solution.
Fish oils contain the most biologically active omega-3s, specifically eico-sapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and certain species of algae provide a rich source of vegetarian DHA.
EPA and DHA leapfrog several metabolic steps, so they quickly yield health benefits. EPA forms the hormone-like prostaglandin 3 series of compounds, which have circulatory and other heart-healthy benefits. Meanwhile, the body converts DHA to resolvins and protectins, which also have beneficial properties. In addition, both EPA and DHA play important roles in nervous system function.
Omega-3s and Cardiovascular Health*
In a scientific position paper, the American Heart Association highlighted several ways omega-3 fish oils may support heart health. Through their role as precursors to prostaglandins and thromboxanes, the omega-3s support circulation, help regulate normal heart rhythm, and help maintain triglyceride levels already within a normal range.
Omega-3s and Prostaglandins*
EPA serves as a precursor to prostaglandin E3, a natural substance that reduces the activity of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2. In addition, both EPA and DHA are building blocks of protectins and resolvins, two other families of natural modulating compounds.
Omega-3s and Aging*
In certain individuals, EPA and DHA may help maintain the length of telomeres, the protective tips of chromosomes. Scientists believe that telomere length is a marker of biological aging.
*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.