Creating a Vertical Edible Garden

Growing a vertical garden is not only easy, but it’s money and space-efficient.


Nature has a profound effect on our well-being; it can reduce stress and other negative emotions, as well as improve our sense of positivity. You don’t need to be in a forest to benefit from the outdoors; even being in your own garden can have a therapeutic effect. You don’t need to have an abundance of extra space to have a garden, either. Growing a vertical garden is not only easy, but it’s money and space-efficient. By choosing edible options, you can further its cost efficiency even more, all while getting in some relaxing time in the sun.

Tidy Up Outdoors

There’s a large emphasis placed on obvious outdoor components, like type of plants or decor, but it’s important not to overlook the very foundation you’re working with. Before you get to any other aspect, make sure your outdoor area is clean and neat. Pull weeds, pick up any trash or debris, and clean or maintain outdoor features. Nature isn’t the only thing that has positive psychological effects; being tidy and organized can also help to reduce stress, so it’s an easy way to add more zen to your exterior.

Choose Your Plants

Once things are cleaned up, you’re ready to select the edibles you’d like to grow in your vertical garden. Doing this first allows you to determine how much space you’ll need on your vertical frame, as well as how much you’d like to allot for different plants. Also take into consideration the space you’re working with; does it have a ton of sunlight? Is it partially shaded? Vegetables like leafy greens, cabbage, and lettuce are good options for areas that have some shade, while tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, carrots, radishes, and beans are good choices for spaces with a lot of sun exposure. Just be sure the planters you’ll be using will accommodate the vegetable as it grows.

Plant and Arrange

Finally, you’re ready to plant and assemble your vertical garden. There are actually a number of ways to do this, but perhaps the easiest is to use a leaning ladder (or step ladder if you prefer or don’t have a space to lean one). Choose one made of wood for both aesthetics and plant-friendliness. You can even paint and decorate it to suit your style. Set it up in the area of your choice, and you can then line the rungs of the ladder with your potted plants in whatever order you choose.

Spending time outdoors is a great way to destress and reconnect with your roots- however and whenever you choose to do it, small spaces included.



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