Floral Arrangements with Succulents

Succulents are so easy to grow in the garden, both placed in pots or containers or a flower bed, and they produce more so easily that you can quite easily pick them now and again for beautiful floral arrangements.


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With so many succulents growing in the garden, I can take my pick of which to use for floral arrangements in my home throughout the year. I have even supplied more than a few succulents for friends who have had DIY weddings and wanted succulents for their bouquet and table arrangements.

Succulents are a wonder in the garden. Provide them with plenty of sunshine and the occasional watering and you will find that they product new plants very quickly. And with so many different types of succulents out there, you can choose from a muted palette or palest grey-blue or add a few gentle pinks or bold reds to create a unique floral arrangement for indoors. Plus, they make a statement when used to dress tables on a furniture or deck.







The joy in using succulents for floral arrangements is in the fact that they last a long time and you can use different succulent species to create a wonderful display with very little effort.

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With so many different varieties to choose from, you can make a colourful arrangement of succulents that will last for a few months - at very little cost if you establish these in your garden.

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Use florist's wire or thin wire and florist's tape to make it easy to arrange succulents in an attractive and eye-catching arrangement. A collection of different succulent varieties will provide an interesting and long-lasting display.

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Succulents don't require a lot of water but for a longer-lasting display, pick flowers just after a good rain or water them beforehand. Because they don't require regular watering, you don't need to arrange succulents in a vase with water, you can place them in any type of container to make the perfect display.

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Permanent Arrangements

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If you would prefer not to break off flowers for temporary floral arrangements, you could always plant an arrangement in an interesting pot for a more permanent display. Do remember, however, to put the arrangement in an area that receives plenty of natural light, or put the pot outdoors occasionally so that the plants receive a good dose of sunshine so that they flourish.

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Succulents in South Africa

There are many different species of succulents that can be grown in the garden, in containers or pots and they all thrive on sunshine - of which we have plenty. With the popularity of succulents soaring in the past couple of years, you are now able to buy a wide variety of succulent species at most larger garden centres. Select plants for their colour or shape and let them flourish in the garden, multiplying until you can remove a few at a time for your floral arrangements.



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