The Most Popular and Easiest House Plants

Not everyone has a talent to fill their house with lush green plants that overflow their pots, some just end up with a wilting, yellowed mess of dead leaves. In this article, we offer info on some of the most popular and easiest house plants.



There are houseplants that require A LOT of maintenance, and there are those houseplants that almost seem to grow on their own. Since not everyone has the talent to fill their house with lush green plants that flourish and grow to extraordinary heights, some that just end up with a wilting, yellowed mess of dead leaves. In this article, we offer information on some of the most popular and easiest to grow houseplants.







Hedgehog Aloe

The spiky hedgehog aloe - aloe humilis - is the perfect specimen plant for the contemporary or modern home. All this plant needs is a sunny spot and an occasional drink of water and that's why you don't need a green thumb for this one.

If you notice the leaves starting to turn yellow, you are giving the plant too much water. Wilting leaves are crying out for a drop or two more water.


Mother-In-Law's Tongue


Hou jou bek around this plant, also known as mother-in-law's tongue - sansevieria - and just like your mother-in-law, it doesn't need a lot of attention (just joking!). These plants can withstand even the most minimal care and can grow in low or bright light situations.

Sansevieria is one of the plants that help purify the air in your home and are very sought after for this reason. Water occasionally and let the soil dry out thoroughly between waterings. Leaves that sag and yellow indicate a too regular watering.







Delicious Monster

Monstera deliciosa, or delicious monster, is a beautiful plant that grows to achieve monstrous proportions under the right conditions. It's not particular about light and only requires a good watering now and then. Even outdoors these plants thrive in a variety of conditions.

If the leaves start to burn, place in a shadier spot while leaves that yellow means the plant is getting too much water.


Chinese Evergreens

Aglaonema is a variety of plants that can withstand most light conditions except direct sunlight. They thrive in a bathroom or in an entrance or hallway and can be used to add a splash of colour and interest. Ask your garden centre to show you different colour varieties.

These plants love to keep their roots wet, so if you have a tendency to forget, place the flower pot into a larger container, fill up with water and let the plant takes water as and when it needs it.







Zanzibar Gem - ZZ Plant

It is almost impossible to kill this plant and it loves to be ignored, but it does need a little bit of attention now and then. Not particular about little light and likes the soil to be on the dry side. Water once a month and it will be happy.

Yellow leaves are a sign that you are giving the plant too much water.


Heart Leaf Philodendron

Place on a shelf in a bright - not sunny - room or hanging basket, the heart leaf philodendron will love the attention. This plant does need a regular - once or twice a week -  watering and will reward you by spreading leaves on love over the sides of the pot.

When leaves go yellow, cut back on the amount of water.



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