These are the 4 Best Indoor Plants for Low Light

If you are looking to add some plants to your home for greenery and to bring nature indoors, here are some of the best plants for rooms with low light.




Every room in a home should have at least one plant in it, but some rooms that don't receive a lot of natural light and where many plants would not survive. That's why it is important to choose plants according to their love of light. In this article, we offer some advice on the best plants for rooms with little natural light - such as varieties of the monstera plant - these are plants that will thrive in low light situations.



Aspidistra - Cast-Iron Plant

This plant [top image] is one of a variety of hardy plants that thrive in low light and also don't require daily watering. In fact, Aspidistra is a plant that is perfect for any room in the home and offers those who aren't great at caring for plants, an opportunity to add greenery to a home without too much worry that it will die.



Also known as the cast-iron plant, Aspidistra originates in the Far East and its natural habitat is deep in forests where there is little light. When given a little attention, these plants can grow up to 70cm in height to create a showy specimen that adds height to any setting. While they are great for bathrooms, they won't do well in a bathroom with constant high humidity or lack of air circulation.









Aspidistra thrives on lack of attention as well, and it only requires watering when the soil is dry, so look at once a week or when the top of the soil is dry. If the leaves start to show brown spots that are caused by fungi, simply remove these immediately and apply a broad-spectrum treatment.





Plectranthus - Spurflower or Swedish Ivy

There are many different varieties of Plecanthus with up to 350 different species, of which 44 are found in South Africa. Mostly grown outdoors as ornamental or bedding plants, Plectranthus Verticillatus can be grown indoors in a low light setting. This plant has a habit of creeping or hanging and will add some colour to a corner of a room when set in an arrangement of 3 of more plants left to hang. If on their own, they tend to look a little lost until the plant starts to flourish and spread out.



These plants like a nice, rich soil or potting mix and don't mind an irregular watering schedule. As with the cast-iron plant, only water when the soil feels dry. You can easily propagate this plant to produce more plants by pinching off a top section and using rooting or hormone powder.



Calathea - Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant or Rattlesnake Plant

Despite all the different names for the different species of Calathea, this is an interesting plant due to its variegated leaf markings. These plants do like a little bit of indirect sunlight, so it's ideal when positioned close to windows where they will not be subjected to direct sunlight.



There are many different varieties of Calathea so, as with all the plants listed here, it's always better to ask for advice at your local garden centre. These plants can be used for display in a room that receives plenty of natural light, or they can be hung from the ceiling in a corner of a bathroom or kitchen. They make a wonderful showy display as part of a shelf arrangement.








Spathiphyllum - Peace Lily

One of my personal favourites is Spathiphyllum, or Peace Lily. I have several plants in my home, all in different but all low light locations, and they thrive with very little attention.

These plants do require a frequent watering and my suggestion for the lazy gardener is to put the base of the flower pot inside a larger container that you can fill with water on a weekly basis, or as and when required. That way, the plant can suck up whatever water it needs without you worrying about the hassle of watering regularly.









If, at any time, the leaves start to yellow around the edges or base, this is a sign that there is too much light. If the leaves start to droop, that means they need water urgently! Too much water and the leaves will go brown around the edges.





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