Grow fresh herbs in your kitchen!

You can have fresh herbs all year round with a built in countertop herb garden. The only requirement is that the plants receive a fair amount of light during the day, so preferably place close to a window.

Step 1

Cut out an opening in your countertop to accommodate a stainless steel tray. You need a tray that has a lip all the way around to hold it in place.

You can use a jigsaw to cut out a hole in Formica or laminate. For granite or concrete you will need an angle grinder (messy!) and a suitable cutting disk.

You can use a plastic tray, but stainless steel will look better once in place. Shop around at catering supply companies for a suitable sized tray for your herbs.

Step 2

Create a substantial layer of gravel for drainage at the bottom of your bed and then fill with a rich organic soil/compost mix with a bit of perlite added sufficient drainage and aeration. You can also drill drainage holes and use tubing to divert drain water to a bucket or back into your sink drain.

Step 3

Pot up with plants that are easy to grow indoors, such as herbs. Plant things you use on a regular basis. We did put a mint plant in ours and buried it in a separate container so we didn't have to worry about it's invasive nature in this small of a space.

Step 4

Be sure to position your bed where you can get as much natural light as possible and if necessary, compliment with a growing light that can be positioned and installed underneath a cabinet.

Water and feed as needed.

You can also have fun with countertop salad bowls and the like. They give you easy access to fresh greens year-round and it encourages you to always make healthy, lively choices in the kitchen!



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