Save Money on Heating and Cooling Systems with These top Tips

We offer some tips on how you can implement and significantly reduce your home’s energy bills.


Rising energy bills can be annoying. According to the stats from the Energy Star, more than $2,000 is spent on energy bills per year per household. Even more, the heating and cooling system accounts for half this figure. This means that the heating a home and keeping it cool consumes a lot of energy. This increases your home’s energy bills. The bad news is that you cannot do away with your home’s HVAC system. However, the good news is that you can take certain measures to cut down the bills that come from the HVAC system. Along these lines, here are the tips you can implement and significantly reduce your home’s energy bills.

Consider Keeping Heat Out. It will Lower AC bills

Consider keeping your blinds as well as curtains closed—especially during the summer months. Also, use window treatments—particularly on large windows. With this approach, you would have blocked the sun’s rays. Thus, it will be easier to make the home cool. Therefore, the air conditioning system won’t be overworked—which will go along way in saving you lots of energy bills.

Free Energy

You can go for natural energy when it comes to heating your home. For instance, during the winter, consider pulling back the curtains and opening the blinds. It will allow the sun to heat your interiors naturally. Also, don’t forget to close those curtains—especially if they are located on the house’s shady side.

The Thermostat

Don’t change the thermostat settings from time to time. Doing so will waste a lot of electrical energy. Instead, go for a programmable thermostat. With a programmable thermostat, you can be sure of automatic tempo adjustments in the house. This will save energy and cut bills.

An Airtight House

The air loses can pump up the energy bills. So, ensure that your home is airtight. Consider sealing all the air leaks—especially at the drafty doors, fireplaces, as well as windows. Use caulk to deal with the spaces. Add adequate insulation. It will reduce HVAC costs. Also, replace an old or damaged door. Hire a reputable company like Redmond Heating and Cooling to install effective insulation in your home.

Expensive Energy Shouldn’t Escape

Don’t run the kitchen and bath exhausts to run for long periods of time. It will make the work of the heating and cooling system difficult—which can skyrocket energy bills.

Clean Your HVAC System

Clean your HVAC system regularly. Dirty can lead to problems. Change the air filters every month. Also, ensure that the outdoor unit is kept clean. There should be no leaves or debris. This will ensure that the system is working optimally and reduce energy costs.

Other Tips

Also, consider employing the following additional tips include:

Replacing old HVAC equipment

Covering drafty windows

Adjusting the temperature appropriately

The Bottom-Line

Don’t let HVAC energy bills pin you down. You can minimize energy costs and still get the comfort you need. You don’t have to do away with your HVAC system. All you need is to implement the above strategies and reduce energy bills.



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