How To Drill Through Tiles Without Damaging Them

If you have not used a power drill before read on to discover helpful tips on what you need and how to use it.






There are going to be plenty of dads or hubbies out there who were gifted some type of power tool for Father's Day and more than a few who received a new drill. Now that you have that power drill you have always wanted, make sure you do things the right way when you get started, perhaps projects that involve drilling through tiles to install new bathroom fittings.







The joy of owning your first power drill can easily be overpowered by your first DIY disasters! The best procedure to follow is to unpack the tool and, with the help of the instruction manual, determine what your power drill can be used for and the proper way to use it. The next step is to get online to view helpful videos and get expert advice and using the drill for various drilling tasks in and around the home.



Tips for using a power drill

  • Read the instruction manual.
  • Go online for expert advice and video tutorials.
  • Pop into Builders or your local hardware store for quality accessories.


Alpen HSS - Masonry - Wood drill bit set will cost you around R700 at Builder's stores around the country.



Accessories you will need

Before you can use your power drill, you are going to need a set of drill bits for drilling into various materials such as the following;

  • Wood bits (can be replaced with HSS bits).
  • Masonry bits for brick or masonry, concrete or tiles.
  • HSS bits for steel



Drill into walls

The first time drilling into walls is not difficult but there are a few things to keep in mind when undertaking this task:

  • Use an electronic detector to check for electrical and water pipes inside the wall.
  • Use the correct drill bit for the material being drilled into.
  • Hold the drill firmly and straight while drilling.







Drill through tiles

When you need to install fittings in a kitchen or bathroom, chances are that you will need to drill through tiles and even experienced DIYers know that you do not want to break or crack tiles. Replacing a single broken tile might not seem like such a big deal until you realise that the tiles are no longer available and you now have to re-tile the entire room. Keep the following tips in mind when drilling through tiles:

  • It is of the utmost importance that you use the correct drill bit for the material you will be drilling into, bearing in mind that there are all types of tiles.
  • Determine the location for drilling holes and then use an electronic detector before you drill.
  • Have some masking tape handy to make an 'X' where you will drill holes as this helps prevent the drill bit from slipping across the surface of the tile.
  • Invest in quality drill bits. I have been using Alpen bits for the past 10 or so years and wouldn't use anything else. Don't waste your money or your time - and the possibility of damaging tiles - by using cheap drill bits!
  • Hold the drill firmly and at a straight angle to avoid drilling a larger hole than you need or having to insert fittings that are not straight.
  • Ensure that the 'hammer' function is not activated and apply low pressure as you drill the hole. You can increase speed after drilling through the tile.


Tap the tiles to be drilled with the drill bit to determine if a hollow cavity is underneath the tile. This situation should be avoided at all costs to prevent tile breakage.






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