DIY Tip: How to Magnetise a Screwdriver or Screwbit Holder

This might seem like a strange topic to cover, but you will be amazed at how this tip will save you endless hassles.










What is a screwbit holder?

A screwdriver bit holder, also called a standard holder, is an attachment used in a drill/driver to allow for easy changing of a screwdriver bit. There are all different types of screwdriver bits in different sizes, to accommodate all the different types and sizes of screws and having a holder means you can easily change the screwbits simply by pulling them out and clicking new ones in.





Standard holders come as magnetised or non-magnetised and it helps to have one of both. Below, we explain why you need both a magnetised and non-magnetised holder. You will find detailed information on standard screwdriver bit holders in this article.









Why would you need to magnetise a screwdriver or screwbit holder?

This seems like a silly topic when you consider that you can purchase magnetised screwdrivers and magnetised holders for all your drill bits, but believe it or not, having a non-magnetised holder and screwdriver is sometimes in your best interests.



Make it easy to drive screws exactly in the centre of holes by temporarily magnetising a non-magnetic screwdriver bit holder.



Imagine this... You are attaching drawer runners onto the sides of a cabinet or cupboard. You haven't drilled any pilot holes beforehand as you intend to position the drawer runner and simply screw into place.



If you have a magnetised screwdriver or screwbit holder, the magnetic force will pull the screwdriver or screwbit holder towards the metal edge, whereas you want it in the centre of the opening. If you use a non-magnetised screwdriver or screwbit holder, this is easily achieved and gives far less hassle. You can easily aim for the centre and drive in the screw.





Magnetising a screwdriver by rubbing a magnet over the tip of the screwdriver or bit holder will provide a small amount of magnetic force - just enough to hold the screw in position and that's why it is better to have both non-magnetised and magnetised screwdrivers and screwbit holders.





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