Quick Tip: Edging for Laminated Board or Plywood
If you need to finish off the edges of your DIY projects when working with laminated board or plywood, edging strips provide the perfect solution.
When you are working with laminated board or plywood, these materials give you the opportunity to have a faux wood or laminated finish that works out far cheaper than working with expensive hardwoods. The only downside to working with laminated board or plywood is that you need to finish off the edges with a banding strip.
There are various suppliers where you can buy rolls of edging strip and you can try both Gelmar and Builders Warehouse, and both offer a selection of edging strip designs. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can ask for a particular design to be ordered for you.
Top Tips for applying Edging Strip
• If you are using a PVC edging strip don't have the iron too hot. You should only need a medium heat setting to bond the edging strip onto your board.
• Place a slightly damp cotton cloth over the edging strip. This helps to transfer more heat without damaging the strip.
• Don't leave the iron stationery on one spot for too long or you might melt the PVC strip.
•After applying heat along the strip, make sure that all the edges are stuck firmly onto the edges of your board, or repeat the process.
• To clean up the edges after trimming, lightly sand these smooth.
Once you have the edging strip it's an easy process to attach the edging strip to your projects. Watch the video below for full details.