Outdoor twister fun in the garden

Not sure how to keep the kids occupied during the school holidays? Or looking for ideas to liven up a gathering with family or friends. Grab some cans of Rust-Oleum spray paint and paint up an outdoor Twister game. This is sure to keep everyone occupied and be loads of fun!


Cut out a card template for your twister dots. You can use a plate as a circular template and cut out the shape with a craft knife. Or if you have a cardboard box this is a great way to apply the dots without any overspray.

Grab some green, yellow, glue and red spray paint for the twister dots. You only need to apply a single coat of paint and let this dry. And you can use the leftover paint for some of the great project ideas we have right here.






Cut out cards in yellow, blue, green and red and write instructions of each card. Place the cards in a bucket or tin.  Have four cards for each colour, on each card write right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot. If someone selects a yellow card with left foot, that person moves a body part onto the yellow dots. Alternatively, use colour swatches and stencil on a left/right hand or left/right foot.

