Floor lamp made from a second-hand tripod

I came across this old style tripod at a second-hand shop in Northcliff, Johannesburg. The tripod cost me R350 and at the time I bought it I had no idea what I was going to do with it but I just knew it had potential.


I first tried to build a bookshelf on top of the tripod but it was not stable enough to carry the weight when I started to add books to the rotating cubes. So the tripod was packed back into the garage to collect dust. Each time I went into the garage to work on other projects I saw the tripod and for some reason it always bothered me that it is was not getting used. Then I realised I needed a lamp for my lounge - the tripod was more than perfect to create that floor lamp.

What I bought:

Tripod cost (R350)
60cm copper pipe (R20) at a hardware store
sprayed with silver spray paint (R35)
Lamp shade from Mr. Price – (R129)
Electrical wiring, bulb, plug & switch (R110)
Total spent = R636.00