Repurpose plastic spoons into decorative mirror frame
Here's another wonderful idea for repurposing plastic spoons... into a funky mirror frame. You can have mirror circles cut to any size and then glue cut plastic spoons around the mirror. For this project don't buy plastic spoons, rather reuse spoons after an event or celebration.
Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous used plastic spoons to craft a colourful decorative frame around a small mirror.
1. Cut a 30cm diameter circle from an old cardboard box.
2. Lay the circular mirror in the centre of the cardboard circle and trace around it. Then remove mirror.
3. Use scissors to score the plastic spoons at the base of the handle, then use your fingers to snap off. Don’t worry if the break isn’t straight or even. Just be careful not to break the concave portion when snapping off the handles.
4. Starting on the outside edge of the cardboard circle, hot glue the spoons around the perimeter so that the spoon over hangs slightly past the edge of the cardboard. Continue hot gluing the spoons on until you reach the inside circle. The spoons to slightly overlap the circle you drew in the centre.
5. Use Rust-Oleum 2X satin or gloss in your choice of colour to spray paint the spoons - making sure to cover any cardboard you may see peeking through the spoons. I applied 2 coats of spray paint and got great coverage.
I used clear plastic spoons so that I wouldn’t have to worry about painting the backs of the spoons.
6. Once the paint has dried, hot glue the small mirror in the centre of the spoon wreath.
7. Cut a length of ribbon, shape into a loop and hot glue to the back of the cardboard to use to hang it on the wall.
The spoon mirror is not heavy, so this works just fine to hold it on the wall.