Recycle old pot into countertop waste bin
Here's an easy way to keep your kitchen countertops clean by recycling an old saucepan or pot into a organic waste bin. Fitting an organic waste bin to your countertop will allow you to trim and clean carrots, peel onions, slice courgettes without any mess. An old saucepan or pot fitted into a kitchen countertop is a handy built in waste container.
With an old saucepan or a waste bin and the right tools you can install this useful kitchen appliance yourself in next to no time. Then all you need to do is wipe it away and vegetable waste will find its way straight onto the compost heap.
1. If you have an old pot or saucepan with broken or loose handles this is a great way to recycle this. Use the pot to mark the circumference on the worktop. The hole that you cut out will need to be slightly smaller than the total circumference of the lid, allowing the pot to rest on the lip around the edge of the pot.
If you need to cut off the handles you can use a Dremel® 4200 and the metal cutting wheel.
The circle cutter attachment [#678] only has a maximum cutting diameter of 30cm, so make sure the pot is smaller than this.
2. In order to cut out the circular opening for the organic waste bin set the circle cutter attachment to the cutting diameter. Drill a hole in the middle of the circle with your Dremel Multi Tool and drill bit. Pop the circle cutter attachment [#678] into the drilled hole and use the spiral cutting bit [#561] to cut out the opening.
3. Smooth any rough edges around the cut opening with a sanding ring so that the saucepan fits neatly into the countertop. Now all that's left to do is place the lid in position and the job is done.