Dremel MultiTool for Engraving Glass

Here's a great way to recycle glass jars and make a charming gift at the same time.






If you are looking for ideas for Mother's Day or any other gift idea - don't toss out those glass jars, upcycle them into useful and decorative containers using a Dremel MultiTool and engraving bit.




Dremel MultiTool - any model

#107 engraving cutter

Masking tape

Glass jar

Soft cloth



Craft knife








Wrap the jar with masking tape to make it easier to transfer your choice of design onto the surface. Once you have a nice design, use a sharp craft knife to cut out the areas to be engraved. It doesn't need to be perfect - just give you an outline that you can use as a guideline for engraving the design.





Set the Dremel MultiTool on a high-speed setting and roughly outline where you removed the masking tape. Again, you only need to do a rough engraving at this stage - more detail will be added later.





This is what my rough design looks like after removing the masking tape. Now I can use this to add more detail and fill in additional details.





Using the Dremel MultiTool and engraving bit I now continue to fill in and add details. You need to use a new engraving cutter and not a blunt or old cutter, as this won't work. Apply gently strokes from left-to-right and top-to-bottom as you would shade in with a pencil.


Here is the design that I used for my glass jar. Feel free to use it or change it.