Craft ideas using bottle caps

There are so many amazing craft ideas that make use of bottle caps, both plastic and metal, and it's a fun and affordable way to revamp or dress up an old piece of furniture or craft something new.

If you are looking for a rainy day project, or a way to keep the kids occupied during school holidays, start collecting plastic and metal bottle caps for a variety of craft projects.


Picture and mirror frames are projects that kids or adults can do. You can make use of plastic or metal caps and incorporate these into a mosaic design.

ABOVE: An old steel chair frame is given new life using metal bottle caps.

ABOVE and BELOW: Revamp your old furniture with bottle caps. The garden furniture shown above uses plastic bottle caps, while the table below features flattened metal caps to create a quirky display.

ABOVE: Kids can have so much fun crafting with bottle tops. Here an entire window is filled with a colourful display of painted bottle caps.

ABOVE: Here's a craze that's sure to be a hit with our local taxi drivers! Before we know it there will be colourful taxis driving around. At least we'll be able to see them coming.