Creating Art with Pebbles

Here are some wonderful artistic ideas for crafting with pebbles that both kids and grown-ups might enjoy!






If you have some leftover pebbles from a garden project or, like me, you like to stroll along the beach and collect all shapes and sizes of flat pebbles, here is a wonderful idea for using these pebbles to craft unique pieces of artwork. @nurlu.taslar creative adorable art and perfect pictures using ordinary flat pebbles that are painted. She has so many wonderful designs on her Instagram that she sells on her stand at craft markets.




It appears that, sadly, most of our craft markets have disappeared over the years, mainly due to the fact that crafters were being pushed out by cheap Chinese knock-offs. There is nothing that can beat a handcrafted gift or accessory for a home and this pebble art might just provide you with an inspiration to start your own pebble art creations.





A take on modern art with pebbles. So unique, colourful and eye-catching. Different sized pebbles are painted as flowers, with smaller pebbles as leaves, with the addition of a painted butterfly.







An Inexpensive Hobby



Pebble art is an expensive craft if you already have a few pebbles on hand, and a few walks on the beach will keep you in constant supply at no expense. You can also buy pebbles at garden centres and it shouldn't cost that much for a bag of pebbles that you can use for plenty of projects. Make pebble art for your home or gift them to family and friends. I love receiving handcrafted gifts, there are so much more personal and heartfelt.




Grab some colourful acrylic craft paints and assorted paintbrushes at Builders and get started on your next project. Here is some more inspiration for your pebble art.



Get the Kids Painting!





Pebble art is so much fun and so easy that even the kids can get involved in creating their own personal artworks. Give them a selection of pebbles, some glue dots, double-sided-tape or prestik and some colourful craft paint and let them at it!







My favourite collection is the pebble art houses in small villages. I think they look so cute!





Crafting for Cash





With so many people struggling to make ends meet, why not think about taking up this as a craft that can bring in a little extra cash. It doesn't cost a lot to set yourself up and you only need basic painting skills to start off. When you gain more confidence and experience you can move on to better and bigger projects.





Gifting your Pebble Art





Christmas is just around the corner, but gifting your pebble art can be done for any special occasion celebration or event. It's something different, something unusual and something unique!


There is plenty more inspiration out there. Go to #pebbleart to see more.





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