Wood Pallet Chair

Using the French Tufting method and a wooden pallet, you can easily make a comfortable chair for a casual indoor or outdoor space, and it's ideal for a children's bedroom or playroom.




Making the base for the chair is so easy it can be done in a jiffy. Simply cut a wooden pallet in half using a jigsaw or Dremel DSM20. Make sure there are no nails or metal bits before you cut.



After cutting, sand everything down with 120-grit sanding pads to remove rough edges and then 180- or 240-grit sanding pads to smooth. Don't rush the sanding process - you want to ensure there will be no splinters.





For the comfy seat and back of the chair, use the French Tufting method shown here. Choose a medium- or heavy-weight cotton fabric to upholster the seat and back cushions and fill with thick batting.



And there you have it... a comfortable chair that's easy to make on a budget.





The Dremel DSM20 replaces both a circular saw and an angle grinder. It's compact and lightweight and perfect for any DIY Diva! When using reclaimed pallets, it's easy to control your cuts without having to take apart the pallet.







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