Glue gun wall art

You can use a glue gun for various projects, but here's a way to use a glue gun to make colourful wall art - and you can make any design you like


Water paper (or any slightly absorbent paper)



Container of water

Glue gun and clear glue sticks




1. Browse the Internet to find a suitable design for your glue art. This is also and easy and fun way to introduce colour to a nursery or child's bedroom.

2. Use the glue gun to outline the design for your art on the water paper. Don't worry about trying to keep everything neat and tidy... the fun of this project is in the imperfection.

3. Now you are going to use watercolours to add colour to the glued off areas. Have a small test piece of paper at hand to determine how watery you need the paint to be to achieve the desired effect. Too much water and the paint will bleed into the surrounding areas - a little bleed is perfect. 



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