Get your 2019 New Year's Eve Party Started!
Everyone wants to ring in the New Year with a rockin' party, so here's a few ideas to get your 2019 New Year's Eve party started.
If you are planning on hosting a party to celebrate the 2019 New Year, take a look at the checklist below and some of the great ideas we found for a fun-filled party that won't take forever to organise and that you can put together quickly - so that you can also enjoy the celebration!
New Year Decorations
This year you don't need to go all-out to host the perfect party, grab a few essential party supplies, stock up on ready-made or quick-to-cook party snacks and you are good to go. It's all about getting organised well in advance, so start now to make sure you also have time to kick back and enjoy the party.
Grab a pack of balloons and some sticky tape to make your own New Year party celebrations. Choose a colour that you have selected for the theme and decorate your balloons with numbers to countdown to New Year, or dress up balloons with circles of paper and some metallic spray paint. That shouldn't take too long.
Party Refreshments
A good selection of drinks is a staple for every New Year's Eve Party, so make sure you have plenty OR arrange for all your guests to bring their own. Keep drinks cool in a tub filled with ice (even a bathtub will do) and then load up your festive table, or make sure you have a handy bar cart so that everyone can help themselves.
It's been very, very hot this past couple of weeks, so make sure to have a ton of ice on hand to keep the party cool and refreshed.
Choose a Theme
Every celebration needs a theme, even if it is only a colour scheme. Try to keep it as simple as possible so that you don't end up spending a fortune on decorations. Black and gold or black and silver is always a classic theme for new year festivities, and you will find plenty of party decorations and goodies that fit in with this colour scheme. You can always try and add you own unique touch with pops of other colours to liven things up.
Fun Food for Everyone
Unless you are planning on having a sit-down meal, keep the food for your party simple and stunning. You don't have to spend a week in the kitchen to cook everything in advance. Your guests will enjoy fun food that has been specially prepared for the event, whether it's home made or brought in.
This year do something with fortune cookies. They are super easy to make, or you can buy them ready-made and add your own finishing touches at home. Put funny or thought-provoking messages in your fortune cookies.
Stock up on donut delights. With Krispy Kreme now in South Africa, you can decorate your new year party table with a wide selection of colourful, yummy donuts that everyone will love.
Cupcakes are another all-time favourite and they're easy to make or buy ready-made. Set up a cupcake tower where guests can help themselves and select their favourite cupcake.
Party Tricks
Come on... it's new year and every successful new year's party has a party game or two. Think up games that tie in with the new year and have all thing organised well in advance.
Drinking games are fun for all, but only if you're offering a place for friends to sleep over. If you're not, try not to let party guests over imbibe, especially with the new regulations that have been put in place for drinking and driving. Be a good hostess and also have a selection of non-alcoholic drinks that guests can try out - for more fun without worry.
A home photo booth is great fun for all and it's easy to set up your own. Cut out fake glasses, gentleman's moustache's and bunny ears that can be worn for that perfect photo and that will get posted on social media. #greatestpartyever