Quick Tip: Bathroom tiles - non-slip

When planning a bathroom renovation or new installation, it's important to think carefully about the finish on the tiles you want to install. Gloss tiles can be extremely slippery.





Gloss tiles are most definitely beautiful in a modern bathroom, but are they practical? When you climb out of a shower, or after a long soak in the tub, and you're wet from top to toe you don't want to have to worry about stepping carefully in case you slip.


In a shared, family bathroom where children run around, or in a bathroom used by older family members, gloss tiles are a no-no.

Do your homework when choosing tiles for a new bathroom or for a bathroom renovation. There are so many gorgeous tiles available that it's hard not to want these in your bathroom, but you need to consider the tile surface and whether or not they would be suitable.



After selecting a tile you love, ask the salesperson for the slip rating on the tile and whether or not they would be suitable for a family bathroom. While no tile is absolutely slip-proof, some tiles have less 'slip' than others, and there are products that can be applied to ceramic tile to reduce slip.


The more textured a tile is - the less slippery. Polished and semi-polished tiles are not recommended for a family bathroom.