We make it for you!
For over 10 years we have been designing and making furniture for Home-Dzine and other online and hard-copy publications. Now we're making our projects to order - for you! Let us know what piece you like and we'll make it for you.
After 13 years of designing and making furniture and decor accessories to feature on Home-Dzine, in other online publications, and hard-copy magazines, we're taking it to the next level. Now you can order pieces that you like and we'll make it for you.
In South Africa we're not lucky enough to have a wide selection to choose from, we're limited to a few manufacturers who mass produce, or who are over-the-top expensive. We can't fill our homes with unique pieces that fit beautifully in our homes, unless we're prepared to make it ourselves. And let's be honest, we'd all love to be able to make it ourselves, but not all have the time, skill or inclination.
Now, we're giving you the opportunity to design unique pieces of furniture for your home, or select pieces already on the Home-Dzine website, and let us make it for you.
Simply send us an email [homedzine@gmail.com] of what you're looking for and we'll do the rest. Or visit our Shop section for furniture that we have already made for clients.
Browse the Home-Dzine website and select the pieces that would be perfect for your home. We can paint, distress, stain, seal or varnish to suit your requirements. We also offer local delivery in Joburg and surrounding areas.
Note: Only applies to furniture or decor shown in actual projects and not features. We can only manufacture items that we have previously featured and where local materials are available.