The Truth Behind The Steady Growth Of Cigar Business

To determine why the cigar business has been growing, we tried to dig in some interesting facts about cigars.



The cigars have been around for a long, long time. They have been stagnantly used since the beginning of the 1990s and the use of cigars is increasing day by day. So, to determine how and why the cigar business has been growing we tried to dig in some interesting facts about the amazing cigars.


The popularity of cigars:

Cigars have been the symbol of wealth and luxury since the very beginning because they have been extensively used by celebrities and business persons. It is very shocking that the usage of cigar in comparison to cigarettes is much higher since the 1990s. Since the cigar was gaining so much attention; it also caught the attention of health officers. But, still, the interest in cigars kept getting higher. Smoking cigars is a very widespread activity around the whole world. But, why is it so popular and why is the business of cigars constantly growing?

It is not very hard to answer this question. The cigars just like cigarettes are popular among the elite class (especially) because it gives peace of mind and a feeling of internal peace. It relaxes the whole body and mind. But, the only reason why cigars are smoked by the elite class is that they are very expensive as compared to cigarettes. For some people, smoking is just a status symbol while others smoke it for peace of mind.


Growth of cigar business:

The growth of the cigar business is because the smoking cigar is like a celebration within itself. It is a leisure activity that requires a lot of patience and an exquisite taste because not everyone can handle the strong taste and aroma of cigars. People who smoke cigars like to know about the entire history of how their precious cigar came into being and that is why a website and information cards for every cigar box are made. Both these things tell the story of how carefully the cigars are crafted with love and caution.

Cigars are specially handcrafted and just like an old bottle of wine, the oldest and the most aged cigars are the best. People who smoke a cigar and who know the taste of an exquisite and luxurious cigar can never switch to anything else and that is why a cigar business is constantly growing. Because once a person smokes a cigar, he will smoke it for the rest of his life. The production of the cigar is like a crafting coffee, it is not simply a business rather it is an art. Art of creating something so unique and wonderful that they are appreciated by people who can only truly fathom its value.







The art of cigar making:

Another reason why cigars are so expensive and why the business is growing is that the tobacco used in cigars is of various kinds. All the tobacco plants are tended to with a lot of care and by people who are experts in taking care of such delicate plants. First, the plants are sown as seeds in a greenhouse and then when they grow a little they are planted in the fields.

After fully growing, the plants are harvested by hands which make a cigar even more unique. The leaves of tobacco which are used in the exquisite cigars are then aged in special aging rooms until the time of perfection and then they are agitated with care. Finally, when the leaves leave their harsh and harmful chemicals behind, they become ready to be blended with other types of tobacco leaves and to be made into cigars.

The cigars are rolled by the Torcedor who is a professional and skilled cigar roller (who knew that making cigars could also be a branch of study?). Then the cigar is sealed with a golden seal of the company. They are then packed in special boxes mostly wooden to keep their aroma and taste fresh and from keeping them to go stale.



Some cigars are generally produced but cigar lovers also have options to get their custom cigars made. The custom cigars have the option of choosing your own tobacco blend. But, they are extremely expensive because of their uniqueness, assorted tobacco, and special blending. The cigars and the tobacco in it travel across half the world to reach the rightful owner. Seeing that cigars are such highly worked products, it is no wonder that cigar production is at a peak and growing at all times and the people love their cigars no matter what.








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