Everything You Need To Know About Water Softener

A water softener works to solve all your hard water issues.



If there is anything that brings all people together from across the globe, then it's something that has to do with water. You see water is the center of life, and without it, human beings can be so miserable. But while speaking of water, there is still the issue that has to do with hard water. This is the kind of water that contains all kinds of minerals such as calcium, manganese and magnesium carbonate. While their presence might don't necessarily pose any health issue, they negatively impact other parts of our daily lives, thus frustrating efforts to lead a struggle free-life. For instance, if your household water happens to be hard, then you will notice that your soap, shampoo and bathing gel doesn't lather as much as it's supposed to. Also, stains might appear on your precious utensils, rings on your sinks and deposits on your valuable coffee marker.

This is where water softeners come in; to solve all these issues. But what is it in the first place? This article seeks to inform you of everything you need to know about water softeners. Keep scrolling down.


What Does A Water Softener Do?

As already mentioned above, a water softener works to solve all the hard water issues. It goes an extra mile to treat the water and make it fit for human consumption through the process commonly referred to as "an ion exchange process". This procedure typically involves the addition of some sort of potassium or sodium to the water to help with the balancing of properties.

In most cases, when you purchase a water softener, you also get a mineral tank that will in most cases contain resin beads. You will also get another tank containing salt brine to help clear out all the minerals from the water. The tanks can come as a two-in-one unit or separately. But whichever the case, it's the efficiency that should matter. The good thing about the entire process lies in the fact that you still got the choice to decide the amount of water you want to soften. Is it that of the entire household or just a section of it, such as the hot water supply. Click here for information on the best water softeners to purchase.







How Does It Work?

Now that you already know two important minerals in the softening of the water process, it's time to learn how the entire process works. You see, typically, you will have the two tanks in place and get the water running. Since calcium and magnesium minerals in the hard water tend to be positive ions, it could only mean that they need to meet with negative ions for the neutralization process to take place. And that's exactly what brine does. Instead of the minerals sticking to the pipes as they usually do, they land on brine which instantly changes their form, resulting in the flow of soft water through the pipes! Quite simple, right?

Well, not really, there is still another important step. What happens to the minerals stuck on the salt brine? The answer is pretty simple, they go straight into the storage tank, which should be part of your water softener storage tank. After which you can opt to store them in there as long as you want. Or until that time when you find it convenient to dispose of them. However, it's advisable to let it flush as soon as possible to avoid clogging that could lead to unnecessary maintenance costs. And the best time to do this is at night when everyone else is asleep, so you wake up to efficiently working systems ready for the tasks ahead.


Will The Water Softener Kill Harmful Bacteria?

No. The main agenda of a water softener is to treat hard water. So it typically, makes water favorable for household use by working on hard water causing ions. But that's all to it. Therefore, it's your obligation to ensure that all the water going through the softening process is safe for human use and free from all kinds of bacteria. To rule this out, you can conduct a water testing procedure to rule this out if you have any doubts. After that, relevant authorities should be able to help in case the results turn positive.


Does The Kind And Size Of Water Softener Matter?

Yes, it does. And for that, you will first have to know what's in the water that you're planning to soften. Also, ensure to conduct a capacity analysis that will help you choose the correct softener system. Remember settling for either an oversize or undersize has its own share of pros and cons. An undersized will not help you much and an oversize equals to a waste of resources. Additionally, just like any product, some softeners come generalized for any kind of hard water while others are specifically made to tackle some issues. So be intentional in learning a little bit about their technological capabilities before investing in one.


Does It Eliminate Odor And Bad Taste?

Yes and No.

Yes, because in some way the softening of the water gets rid of some bad taste that always comes with the presence of water hardening minerals.

No, because it doesn't really fully eliminate the odor depending on how strong it's. And if this gives you some sort of comfort, then you will be glad to know that the taste and smell of the water you get, hugely depends on its source. So if a softener cannot solve this problem for you, then it's probably time you try getting a filter.

Investing in a household water softener is one of the best decisions you could ever make if you reside in an area with a hard water supply. However, before you head to the stores to purchase one, it's important to take time getting informed to make a perfect choice. At least ensure you learn how they operate, the different types and their working mechanism.







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