5 Reasons Why You Should Have Survival Kits At Home

Here are five reasons why you should have survival kits in your home.




Usually, when an emergency strikes, you barely have time to prepare for it. Many things can put you and your family in an emergency. An earthquake can occur in your region, a fire can break out in your home, or a hurricane can hit your area when you least expect.

These occurrences can make it extremely difficult for you to reach safe grounds. In such moments, survival prepping can save your life and that of your loved ones. The best way to prepare your home for emergencies is to have survival kits. The kit should have essential items that you’ll need to stay alive for a considerable period of days before help arrives.

Such items include clean drinking water that can last two weeks, usually this means a gallon per person daily. You can also have non-perishable food, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, medications, and a hand-cranked radio. Other items that are crucial to have are extra cash, emergency contacts, extra batteries, personal documents, and emergency blankets.

If you have pets in your home, include pet food and medication for them in the survival kits to protect and keep them going during emergencies.

In addition to that, here are five reasons why you should have survival kits in your home:


1. Give Your Family And Pets A Sense Of Normalcy

When a disaster happens, the most important thing you want to do is to keep your family and pets safe. You also want to try and make things as normal as possible, despite the disruption caused by the disaster. While this is not an easy thing to do, fortunately, survival kits can help ease the situation.

This works by making essential supplies like food, drinking water, medications, and warm clothing available to your family. For small children, consider adding some games and toys that they can play during such difficult times.

If you have older family members, ensure that your survival kits have medical supplies that they need to manage whatever health conditions they might have.

When assembling your survival kits, being thoughtful about your family members and furry friends’ needs can go a long way in keeping them calm and restoring a sense of normalcy amidst emergencies.


2. Emergencies Can Occur Anytime

There’s no telling when a disaster will strike; it can occur anywhere, anytime, and affect anyone. Natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and thunderstorms are not the only incidences that can put you in an emergency. Man-made incidents can also lead to emergencies.

For instance, political conflicts can interfere with communication and transport systems, creating a shortage of supplies for the general public. Technical issues can also affect energy and water supply, leaving your home without power or a source of clean water for days.

Whether instigated by natural or man-made factors, survival becomes the sole goal in any emergency. When you have survival kits in your home, your family will be able to stay afloat until the issues get fixed or until you find help.


3. Can Save Lives

Emergencies affect people differently. Depending on the kind of emergency you find yourself in, there’s always a high chance that some people will need help. Having survival kits in your home enables you to help such people. For instance, you can share water and non-food items with people who have none.

Non-food items that should be available in survival kits are batteries, flashlights, cash, emergency blankets, and a battery-powered radio. These can help keep your family and others around you afloat during emergencies. If your friends, neighbors, or family members receive injuries or fall ill, the medication and other medical items in the first aid kit can go a long way in saving their lives.


4. Enable You To Communicate During Emergencies

Emergencies can cut service lines and affect your communication with the outside world. For instance, cell towers, power, and phone lines can be affected, leaving you with little or no means of asking for help or communicating with your loved ones.

With survival kits in your home, you can avoid this bleak situation by ensuring that you have communication supplies, including portable chargers, batteries, and a solar or hand-cranked radio. By using these supplies, you can charge your phone and communicate with the outside world.

During emergencies, not knowing what's going on in your area can create anxiety and put your life and that of your loved ones at risk. Having a hand-cranked or solar-powered radio can give you access to local news updates and information about the emergency in your area. Keeping tabs on the situation and knowing what’s likely to happen will enable you to protect yourself and those around you.



5. Give You Peace Of Mind

Emergencies and disasters create uncertainty. Even with the most advanced technology today, it’s not possible to predict, with certainty, the course that an impending disaster could take. The fact that you don’t know what’ll happen next can cause discomfort and fear.

Survival kits can give you peace of mind and a sense of security during such moments. Having critical supplies such as food, drinking water, blankets, first-aid kits, and medications enables you to meet the immediate needs of your family. This reduces stress and worry for several days before you get help or the situation eases.


Final Thoughts

As we go through our life's motions, it’s easy to neglect the disruption that a disaster can cause in our lives. The thing is, disasters can happen anytime, and it can cause a huge impact on our lives.

Since it’s not possible to predict when a disaster will happen and the level of disruption it'll have on your life, you can never be 100% ready for it. However, you can reduce the impact that a disaster will have on you by having survival kits in your home. These kits contain the most essential items you'd need to remain calm, such as water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, medications, and a hand-cranked radio, before you’re rescued or basic supplies are available again.




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