Top 3 Unusual Dog Behaviors and How to Deal With Them

This article lists the top three unusual dog behaviors and how to deal with them.



Don’t they just look adorable, cute, and well, let’s not go there. Dogs are a real handful, especially when young. Always messing around with your shoes, carpets, and hiding your keys in the least favorable of places. But that’s given considering the many benefits of having a canine around. But if you’ve noticed, your dog has a ‘personality’ too. If you look at those wishful eyes, you’ll notice something about them that tells you that they are thinking. It was once thought that only goats did the most thinking, but dogs have instincts, behaviors, and attitudes you want to develop or discourage while it’s still early.

Most, if not all of the time, dog owners are at a crossroads in trying to understand whether the dog is in it for treats or for the connection that exists between them. But they were not called man’s best friend for no good reason. This is the only animal that will lay its life for its owner’s. Sounds sacrificial and selfless, right? This is why you need to take the time to know your dog more because hey, you know better than they do? Or do you?


Without any further delay, below are the top three unusual dog behaviors and how to deal with them.


1. Aggression and Scavenging

Aggression is a normal behavior in dogs because come to think about, it’s the reason why most dogs are kept. Hey, did you know that some dog breeds are forbidden in some countries? The reason being that certain breeds will exhibit excessive aggressive behaviors.

While some breeds will be friendly and all, you’ll not want to risk your life with others. However, it will be a major concern if a dog will turn on its owner, or the people taking care of them. When this happens, you’ll need to ensure that your dog is contained because it might as well mean that there are other underlying factors affecting them. Jim Banks stated in that as a canine owner, you need to invest in a canine cage. This will help contain them in case they show any signs of aggressiveness or when it comes to taking them out to the vet. Ideally, when you have puppies around, instead of putting them in a kennel, a fortified cage might come in handy.

Additionally, you may find that the aggressive dogs tend to mark around your house, especially without potty training. Avoid this situation at all costs. Using waterproof and leakproof pee pads for dogs is a smart way to protect your furniture and flooring. Gradually, potty training can also reduce the mass caused by aggression.

For dogs who like to scavenge when taken out for walks, teaching them to behave might take some time, especially if they are past the age of training. The best time to instill discipline on a pooch is when they are puppies. Fortunately, keeping your dog on the leash and having treats around might as well help them kick off their bad habits. You’ll need to be extra cautious because you just don’t know what they might end up picking out there.







2. Excessive Begging



Yes, you heard it right the first time! Now picture this. You’ve just invited your cool friends from work, friends you’ve been bragging about your “well” mannered hound, and you’re preparing your favorite steak on the grill. Seconds after serving, your faithful canine friend is all over their laps begging for a taste of this scrumptious meal. This is not only embarrassing, but it just comes to show that you’ve been sent your dog the wrong message all along. Your dog shouldn’t beg, especially when it comes to strangers. They need to be in their rightful places or alternatively, fed prior to inviting any guests. Your dog needs to differentiate between their eating spot and your dining table. You can always treat your dog after you’ve finished eating.


3. Chewing On Stuff

Before you get mad, chewing is natural for all dogs and the fact that they chewed on your best shoes means that they are either anxious, bored, teething, or just ill-mannered. One thing to note is that excessive chewing behavior might become a habit that will cause great destruction in your household. You want to take care of the problem while it’s still early. For starters, keep your valuable items out of reach and ensure that you’ve provided them with the right things to chew on. Whenever you find your dog chewing on the wrong things, reprimand them with a commanding tone and they’ll soon associate it with their ill behavior. Afterwards, replace the item with a chewable item and a treat. Getting your dog to exercise often will help to wear them off rather than turn to chewing.

Well, let’s face it, dogs are animals and in no way should you associate their characters with human behaviors. The best thing is that they learn pretty fast and will obey commands when treated right. However, some behavioral issues might be signs of other underlying factors. This is when you’ll want to take your dog to a qualified and experienced veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.








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