Grow your own cat grass

Cat grass - dactylis glomerata - keeps your cat entertained and happy, and it's so easy to grow your own cat grass from seed.


Grow a pot of cat grass - dactylis glomerata - from seed in colourful pots and keep your cats happy. Cat grass is super easy to cultivate and it's much cheaper to grow your own from seed.


Cat grass seed

Galvanised container or pot

Potting soil

Cling wrap

Rust-Oleum 2X spray paint (optional)


1. Fill the container about three-quarters of the way to the top with potting soil. Scatter some seeds over the top. Try to space out in a thin, even layer.

2. Carefully place a centimetre thick layer of soil over the top of the seeds.

3. Water the seeds so that the soil is moist but not flooded.

4. Loosely cover the container with cling wrap and place in a warm, dark location. The top of the fridge is perfect!

5. You should see tiny shoots after 3 to 4 days. It is important to ensure that the soil stays moist during this phase, so water every couple of days.

6. Once the grass reaches about 2 centimetres in height remove the cling wrap and place in a sunny spot. When the cat grass reaches about 8 to 10 centimetres in height you can share with your cats!


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