How to patch a damaged carpet

Accidents do happen, and if you have an open fireplace in your home, they tend to happen more frequently than you would like. If a carpet does become damaged, perhaps by a stray ember, there is a quick fix that you can try to repair the damaged area.


1. Rub your hand over the carpet surrounding the damaged section and note which direction makes the carpet fibres stand up. Smooth aside the carpet fibres to allow you to cut out the damaged section with a sharp craft knife.

2. Remove the damaged piece, then use the same method to cut out a replacement patch from an inconspicuous area, such as inside a cupboard. Draw an arrow on the back of the patch pointing in the direction you rubbed the fibres to make them stand up.

3. Vacuum the hole where you removed the damaged carpet and pluck out any loose carpet fibres around the edge of the hole and the surrounding carpet. Place a narrow bead of carpet-seam glue (or contact adhesive applied to both the removed area and the new section of carpet) along the perimeter of the cutout. Align the arrow on the patch with the direction of the fibres in the rest of the carpet, and stick the patch down firmly. Stand back and assess the carpet before the glue has time to set.

Blend the fibres

Use a nylon fibre scrubbing brush to lightly fluff up the seam around the patch. Let the adhesive cure for 24 hours before you vacuum or walk on the patch.

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