5 Hobbies You Have To Try With Your Kids

Oftentimes, parents get so busy that they forget about the necessity to spend quality time with their children, but below are 5 hobbies that everyone will enjoy.




You can’t deny the benefits of hobbies in child development, as they are excellent ways for enhancing the physical and psychological state. At the same time, as a parent, you would want to participate in the process, wouldn’t you?

Of course, you would. Especially after reading the next paragraphs. Afterwards, scroll down to the list of top five hobbies you have to try with your kids.






Importance of Doing Hobby Activities Together With Your Kids

Oftentimes, parents get so busy with themselves and with their own routines that they forget about the necessity to spend quality time with their children. The internet is full of confessions from moms and dads that want to just make sure their kids do at least something and keep quiet.

That’s when they make one of the most horrible mistakes – show indifference to their children’s recreation.

Choosing personal hobbies as a parent, consider what you’d eagerly do with your kids together.

Why is it so crucial?

It’s worthwhile to try hobbies with your kids, as they help you do the following:


  • • Achieve all-round development of children, watching and celebrating its progress on the go
  • • Build a healthy self-esteem in your kids
  • • Communicate better and develop positive relationships
  • • Get your children more socialized
  • • Strengthen emotional ties and family bonds
  • • Learn from them, and more


In fact, the research by Kahoot! proves that kids get delighted to see their parents’ sincere curiosity about their pastimes, while 61% of parents want to discover what their children are passionate about.

It’s easier to take advantage of leisure activities for binding your family, if you share mutual interests, of course.

What can you enjoy doing together? Read on.









Top 5 Hobbies for You and Your Children

The five best hobbies listed below are must-try activities for you and your kids.


1. Reading

Reading is a good hobby by itself, but it’s an utmost activity for parents and children to do together.

Did you know that 33% of parents incorporate nightly reads into their routines?

You can contribute to these statistics and make the most of this pastime to expand your child’s vocabulary, boost memory, and promote cognitive development, among other things. Here’s how:





• Add reading to your family schedule

Understandably, the life of a parent is hectic, but isn’t there a teeny-tiny possibility to spare at least 15 minutes for a bedtime read? While scheduling errands, prioritize reading and leave some time for it on a daily basis.


• Decide on the proper place

You can make a dedicated bedroom nook or a DIY reading corner for outdoor kids.


• Create a suitable atmosphere

A cozy blanket to wrap you and your children up, some hot chocolate, a cinnamon scent – isn’t it a perfect setting for an autumn read?

Surely, the atmosphere should be defined by the book genre, too. For example, make a dinner table similar to the one in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and read the tale to your kids.


• Pick books wisely

It goes without saying you can’t just take any book you like for a reading retreat with children. If you’re obsessed with the Hannibal series, most probably, you wouldn’t wish your 5-year-old to picture those gruesome images from the novels.

Consider some tips for choosing age-appropriate kid books to achieve the maximum results from reading.





• Always discuss what you’ve read

Discuss the book’s characters, which one your child liked the most and why, talk over the implications of characters’ actions, etc. In this way, you develop logic and critical thinking skills.


• Make up continuations of books

Let the stories unfold further and try different endings. This way, you enhance your kid’s imagination and creativity.


• Let your child read for you

Teach your children the joy of reading and make sure they’ve got their bed bookshelves full.





2. Gardening

This hobby is one of the proven ways to get your kids unplugged and outside.

Moreover, they feel responsibility and self-confidence, study the basics of nature and science, and get engaged in physical activities.

There are two key aspects to address, if you opt for gardening with children: simplicity and safety. Depending on the age (toddler, preschooler, or an older child), it’s also essential to think through the plant type and tools for garden maintenance.
Don’t have an opportunity to grow plants outdoors?

No worries, you can always indulge in indoor gardening.









3. Crafting

Crafting is one of the undeniably advantageous hobbies you should do with your kids. Crafters explore their identity faster, find the ways for self-expression, develop fine motor skills, while the latter underpin mathematical abilities tremendously, science says.

Besides, crafting a toy or any other creation and then decorating a home for Christmas, for example, you can also start a good family tradition.

Let’s take a look at some crafts and hobbies you can share with children:


• Woodworking

Woodworking is an extremely rewarding hobby that also instills a sense of pride in the choice to take it on. Scrolling through the best project ideas for woodcraft, make sure you start with the guides for beginners, if neither you nor your child has tried woodworking yet.

You may find some exciting variants for both of you to engage your minds and hands, working with wood. For instance, discover the art of carving or encourage your kid to make fun games out of wooden materials.





• Knitting and quilting

Remember that cozy blanket to get your kids and you covered up for a nice autumn read?

You can knit a throw blanket with your children together! Alternatively, learn how to do quilting, set realistic goals, and ensure cognitive and emotional well-being for your kids and yourself, as quilting is considered to produce the same effect on the brain as physical exercise – on muscles. And both quilting and knitting are fantastically useful, creative crafts.


• Recycling projects

The creative possibilities of recycling crafts are practically infinite. Not to mention that they foster environmental awareness and eco-friendliness.

Have a go at clever recycling projects for kids that you can do with plastic bottles or experiment with plastic bottle caps, egg or milk cartons, toilet paper rolls, and other reusable household materials.


• Origami

Origami hobbyists can boast of improved concentration and hand-eye coordination, as well as refined dexterity and math skills.
It’s one of the paper crafts definitely worth doing with your child. Try origami for kids: make an easy origami giraffe and enjoy this “brain exercise” as a shared activity to the fullest.

Have you chosen one of the crafting hobbies?

Now it’s high time to prepare mini tools and accessories for crafts, organize a space for this happy distraction, and keep kids crafting, guiding them on the way.





4. Yoga

Typically, parents get skeptical about yoga as a hobby and shoo this idea away, because how can you possibly make kids keep to the principles of mindfulness and tranquility in yoga, if their tantrums are quite the opposite of calmness?

It may be easier than you think, actually. Just make the first attempt and you’ll see yourself.

How to start doing yogic exercises with kids? Follow our tips below:


  1. Explain what yoga is and why it may be the healthiest hobby for you both

  2. Get dressed and equipped accordingly (comfortable clothes, yoga mat, block, meditation pillow, etc.)

  3. Create an atmospheric space (make a distraction-free, relaxing home corner: clean floor, natural lighting, soothing aromas, green or blue colors, calming music, etc.)

  4. Start slow with yoga poses for kids

  5. Practice in unison and in moderation

  6. Try yoga off the mat

  7. Connect with nature through outdoor yoga


Selecting the proper yoga style for the kids and yourself, consider the health advantages of Ashtanga yoga. This yogic activity for children and adolescents can maintain psychological well-being and help with weight management, based on the study.





5. Cooking

Aside from being an entertaining activity, cooking helps children explore different ingredients, promotes language development, and teaches valuable life skills.

Some parents get anxious that their kids are too small to cook and understand the fundamental concepts. You’ll discard this fear, once you watch some bits of the FlavCity YouTube channel (with Bobby and Dessi Parrish behind it) and see how their daughter Rose Honey Parrish cooks, shops for products, cleans the dishes, and more. She’s three years old now. Remarkably, she started cooking with her dad, when she was only 16 months old!

Got some cookery inspiration from this cute toddler?

Time to try some easy recipes and cook tasty dishes with your kiddos! Here’s a list of the simplest ones:


  •     • Omelet

  •     • Salads

  •     • Pizza

  •     • Cookies

  •     • Jelly bears, etc.


Don’t forget to make a welcoming kitchen atmosphere for fun cooking.

Note: when organizing a kid’s cooking corner, avoid pretend appliances. Instead, purchase cooking mini-sets for your child with real, usable utensils.


Have Fun and Enjoy Your Hobby With Kids

So, you’ve got the list of creative and fun hobbies you should certainly try with your kids: reading, gardening, crafting, yoga, and cooking. What to do next?

Pick at least one of those ideas, set up a hobby room or a separate nook, and benefit from doing leisure activities together to build closeness, get connected, and feel the parent-child bond even more tangibly. Moreover, hobbies contribute to personal growth and help you raise a well-rounded kid.

Show that you care, get involved in your kids’ interests, and enjoy the most precious moments of spending time together.








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