How to Create the Perfect Study Environment for Your Children at Home

In this article are some steps you can take today to help your child learn more during their studying time at home.




It is no secret that home learning is not easy, especially with children who have spent a lot of time at home during the pandemic. It is hard to keep them engaged and focused on studying because home is always riddled with so many distractions. Here are some steps you can take today to help your child concrete more during their studying time at home.



You need to choose the best location for your children to study away from distractions and quiet. Modern technology has removed all constraints on where children can learn. Avoid places like the dining room or family room.

It should be a place where your child can sit upright. It is crucial to portray the normalcy of a school environment. Children should not be lying on the floor or sleeping on the bed while they are studying because it is challenging to concrete in these positions. Pick a location or space in the house that is for learning.


Light and temperature

Your study area should have enough light, preferably natural light. Apart from the much-needed, vitamin D natural light can improve your child's attention, mood, cognitive performance and alertness.

Factors are regarded as critical for optimal academic performance. Although natural light can bring some heat, it is essential to choosing the right heat type for your PTAC. Help your child be comfortable, neither too hot nor too cold during learning time.



Ensure home study areas have adequate shelves for reference books and supplies, and a computer if needed. You should also provide a table or desk with their study materials and work area that is not squeezed but in an ample space where they can sit upright, stay focused and alert during learning time.



Help your child concentrate during class time by providing resources they need to study like papers, pencils, pens, rulers. Do not let your child waste their time looking for paper or pencil during their study time.

Anticipate their needs and provide resources for every class. Ensure everything they need is within their reach so that they do not have to call you to access them during learning time to avoid distractions.


Remove distractions

It is undeniable that children concentrate more at school because there are fewer distractions. It is essential to know what distracts your child and remove it to have a more productive time during class time.

Have a conversation with your child and plan for television, calls, and internet plus playtime. If they understand the schedule, they are more inclined to follow it.



Color combinations and color placement can affect attention, feelings, memory and behavior. Your child will be happier in a room that is bright than a dull place. According to researchers, information first goes to a color center in our brains, and from there, information moves to other parts of the brain.

That detects motion, shapes, edges, and transitions; this tells us our response to color is very complicated and significant. Yellow is known to elicit feelings of happiness, liveliness and excitement. Orange and Red, should be should in moderation because they attract attention.



Research has shown that students retain information learned during the beginnings and endings of study periods. Besides, no one wants to spend long periods studying without taking a break. When your child starts to get restless, that is the time to schedule a break and you will need to be flexible. Sometimes a break maybe a little longer or start a little earlier than expected.





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