How to Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Property

At some time you are bound to look at your home and want to boost your “curb appeal.”


As a homeowner, you are bound to look at your home at some point and want to boost your “curb appeal.” Curb appeal is in essence how appealing your house appears to viewers from the outside without them actually seeing the interior. Your property’s curb appeal is affected by its paint, landscaping, upkeep, and ambiance. Whether you are looking to upgrade your curb appeal for own enjoyment or to increase the value before listing it on the market, increasing the curb appeal surprisingly can be a budget-friendly and not super time-consuming.

1. Have a Bold Front Door

One easy way to boost your property’s curb appeal is to make your front door pop. Painting a front door is a budget-friendly improvement, only costing around $75, and requires minimal time and effort as well.

Having a bold colored front door such as red, blue, or yellow will draw attention to your home from potential buyers or renters as well as people in your community. Don’t be afraid to go bright and bold—just make sure the color you choose to paint your front door complements the color of your home rather than clashing with it.

2. Clean Up the Landscape

Possibly the most important component of curb appeal because it’s the most noticeable is the landscaping and general cleanliness of your property.

The first step is to make sure that your basics are taken care of. This means that your lawn is mowed, the trees and bushes are trimmed, the grass is green, the mulch is fresh, and any dead plants or trees are removed from the property. Just by completing those few tasks, your curb appeal will skyrocket.

The next step is tending to any extra or detailed landscaping that you would like completed on your property. Pathways, flowers, and decorations always add value to your curb appeal.

3. Replace Damaged Roof Pieces

The roof of your property is not only an essential component of its curb appeal but its overall safety and upkeep. Missing roof pieces can cause more damage to the home besides just a low curb appeal, especially if you live in an area with a lot of rain, wind, storms, or snow.

Getting roof issues fixed is simple, and it even can be DIY if it’s just a few shingles. However, if you’re looking to completely redo your roof or if you need a lot of improvements, it’s best to call a professional. You can find reliable professionals by doing a quick online search for roofers in your area, such as best roofers in Phoenix. As a pro tip, it’s always best to go with local companies rather than national chains because the local businesses will know the environmental conditions particular to your area.

4. Blast Dirt away with a Power Wash

Cleanliness is a huge component of your curb appeal, which is why it is so important to keep your home clean. One of the most effective ways of doing so is by power washing it.

Having during and grimy siding is a surefire way to decrease your curb appeal, but the solution is simple and makes such a big difference. You can purchase or rent power washing equipment and do it yourself, or you can hire a professional.

The Takeaway

Whether you are looking to improve the curb appeal of your home for your aesthetic purposes or to increase the chances of your home being rented or purchased, most curb appeal improvements are not only budget-friendly but time-efficient as well. By planning ahead and prioritizing the projects that are most important to you, you can completely transform the look and value of your home.



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