How To Maintain Optimal Humidity Inside Your Home

If your home suffers from poor humidity, it can damage the structural integrity and encourage the growth of mold and mildew, both of which will result in costly repairs.






The right humidity level within your home is essential in creating a comfortable and healthy environment for your household. Once the humidity level doesn't stay within the ideal range, it can bring about various health issues such as allergies, respiratory problems, and skin irritation.

Poor humidity levels can cause damage to your home's structural integrity and furnishings and even encourage the growth of mold and mildew, resulting in expensive repairs.



Understanding Humidity

Humidity is water vapor present in the air. It directly influences the temperature and comfort level within a home. The ideal range of humidity indoors is usually around 30% to 50%, with 45% being the optimal level in most households. Installing humidifier systems for the whole house can help maintain this ideal range more efficiently.

Various factors can affect indoor humidity levels. Some of these include the weather conditions, climate, number of household members, and daily activities such as bathing or cooking.





How To Maintain Optimal Humidity Inside Your Home

Maintaining the humidity level within the right range is the key to promoting good indoor air quality and minimizing the risk of various health issues. Here are several steps to maintain optimal humidity levels in your home.


1. Monitor Indoor Humidity Levels

If you want to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment in your home, make it a priority to keep track of indoor humidity.
When measuring the humidity, you need a hygrometer. It's an instrument that measures the level of humidity. Luckily, most smart thermostats on the market have built-in humidity sensors. If you're using a hygrometer, position it in different areas of your home to gain an accurate insight into the indoor humidity levels.


2. Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Keeping your home well-ventilated ensures balanced indoor humidity levels. This allows fresh air to move inside and circulate to dilute any lingering moisture.

Open the doors and windows regularly, especially during the cooler hours of the day, to keep your home well-ventilated. Create a cross-ventilation effect by opening the windows on opposite sides of your home. Proper ventilation is essential in high-humidity areas, particularly the kitchen and bathrooms.


3. Install And Use Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans play a key role in eliminating excess moisture from the indoor air in your home, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. Make sure to switch on the exhaust fan while cooking or showering. The vents of the exhaust fans should be directed outdoors, not into the crawl space or attic. The main goal of doing this is to reduce the humidity in your house.


4. Fix Water Leaks Promptly

The presence of water leaks in your home is one of the contributing factors to an elevated humidity level. As part of routine maintenance, inspect the roof, plumbing, and windows for leaks and immediately perform repairs. Dealing with leaks instantly can prevent water damage and mold development.


5. Optimize Air Conditioning Usage

An air conditioning unit plays a key role in keeping the indoor temperature comfortable and lowering the humidity levels. To ensure optimal air conditioning unit functions, clean the air filters and schedule routine maintenance. If your unit has a dehumidifier function, turn it on to target excess humidity.


6. Keep Heating Systems Well-Maintained

A well-functioning heating system can keep the humidity level in check in your home, especially during the winter. Like the cooling system, clean and maintain the heating system by cleaning the vents and replacing the furnace filters. If the air inside your home gets too dry, use a humidifier to add moisture.


7. Choose The Appropriate Humidifier Or Dehumidifier Systems

One way to regulate the indoor humidity level in your home is by using a dehumidifier or humidifier. A dehumidifier eliminates excess moisture in the air, while a humidifier introduces moisture to an environment with dry air. Choose between the two devices based on the current humidity level in your home and place them in the most affected rooms. Regularly clean these devices to ensure the best performance in maintaining the right humidity level.





8. Implement Moisture-Absorbing Solutions

Utilize materials that soak up moisture in your home. Desiccants such as silica gel, calcium chloride, or activated charcoal can help absorb excess moisture in enclosed areas such as basements or closets. Today, you can readily find them in different forms, such as containers or sachets. Position them around your home to help maintain the right humidity level.


9. Incorporate Humidity-Regulating Houseplants

Adding some houseplants inside your home can help regulate the humidity level. The plants are capable of soaking up moisture from the air. Some of the best plants for this include peace lilies, spider plants, and Boston ferns. Aside from improving indoor humidity levels, the presence of these plants can purify the air by eliminating toxins and releasing oxygen.


10. Inspect And Improve Home Insulation

Proper insulation in your home is the key to maintaining the right indoor temperature and humidity. Doing so helps minimize drafts and prevent condensation. Inspect the insulation in the attic, walls, and crawl spaces and add or replace the insulation if necessary. Maintaining proper insulation also helps improve the overall energy efficiency in your home, helping you save money on utility bills.


Final Thoughts

Maintaining your home's humidity level is vital for a comfortable and healthy environment. These essential pointers will guide you to effectively regulate indoor humidity levels. Doing so ensures a comfortable and healthy living space while improving your home's energy efficiency in the long run.