Keep A Home Fresh

Spring has arrived and we thought it would be a good time to re-fresh with some of our citrus-fresh, totally natural home cleaning tips.


With the arrival of Spring, we thought it might be a good time to re-fresh your home for the season - using totally natural, citrus-scented home cleaners. We share some of the best cleaning tips around, so that you can keep your home smelling fresh for Spring.

Freshen a home with lemons

Lemons are Mother Nature's pre-packed home cleaners and air fresheners, and they contain absolutely no toxic chemicals or volatile organic compounds. There are so many ways to use lemons in a home to clean and freshen up every room.



Homemade Cleaner

All you need are some lemons (squeezed and strained) or bottled concentrated lemon juice, a spray bottle and some soft, microfibre cloths. Combine the juice of 1 lemon with a cup of water - or increase the quantity to make a large batch of cleaner - and pour this into a spray bottle.

The high acidity of lemons help dissolve mineral deposits and hard water stains and are perfect for sinks and countertops, as well as cleaning taps and fittings in bathrooms where hard water stain and mineral deposits tend to build up. For tough stains, let the cleaner sit for a few minutes to do its work and then scrub with an old toothbrush or nail brush.

Use a combination of lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda to make a paste that you can use on grubby tile grout - walls and floors - to fresh up a bathroom or kitchen sink. And you can also use it on a kitchen backsplash to remove stubborn grease stains.

A lemon cleaner is also great for keeping mould and mildew at bay, so use on tiles around baths, showers and sinks.

GOOD TO KNOW: Don't use acidic products such as lemon or vinegar or marble surfaces.


Don't throw lemons away after you have squeezed out the juice - the lemon rind can be used too!

Homemade Air Freshener

Finely grate the lemon rind and add this to a spray bottle of clean water. Let this sit for a few days before using as an air freshener. This homemade air freshener contains no chemicals and is one-hundred percent natural and can be sprayed around your home to freshen up. You can also use the homemade air freshener on bed linen for a citrus-fresh bedroom.

All-Purpose Cleaner

Vinegar is nature's answer to a clean, germ-free home. Bacteria doesn't like acid, which means vinegar can be used on a variety of surfaces in and around the home. The only downside of using vinegar is the smell. You can make your own all-purpose cleaner that won't stink up the house by steeping finely grated lemon rinds in the vinegar. The lemon rinds add a citrus scent to the cleaner and make it far more pleasant to use.



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