Toxic Plants To Be Aware Of

When bringing plants into the home or garden, it is important to know which ones might be harmful as some plants can cause an allergic reaction, whereas others can be poisonous.






There are plenty of plant species that we know to be toxic but many others than we are not aware of.



Houseplants are an attractive and easy way to decorate your home. There are many different shapes, sizes, and colors of plants. Often plants are known for their distinctive, beautiful leaves and flowers. However, another side of plants that most people don't know about is their toxicity.

If you love plants, it's important to know which ones might be harmful. Some plants discussed here can cause an allergic reaction, whereas others can be poisonous. Whether you are a professional gardener or just want to enjoy some greenery around your home, it's always good to know what you are working with.



7 Common Toxic Houseplants

Many types of toxic plants are often labeled as deadly or poisonous. Some of these plants are even in your backyard or out and about in the wild. There are hundreds of types of poisonous plants. Some of them can kill you quickly if not treated properly by a medical professional, while others may just cause extreme sickness.

People must be aware of these toxic plants to protect themselves and their families from potential dangers. Here is a list with pictures and descriptions of 7 poison houseplants to be aware of.






The Alocasia plant is commonly known as elephant ears in tropical plants because of its leaves' shape. Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Guinea are native areas of this genus. An Alocasia species' large, colorful leaves make them popular ornamental plants. It does not like direct sunlight and needs to be always kept moist.

Alocasia is a plant that can cause skin irritation, inflammation, swelling, and even blistering. The sap from the Alocasia plant contains calcium oxalate crystals which can be very painful and dangerous if they come in contact with your skin. Those who consume the leaves of this plant will also be poisoned. This plant is often found at garden centers and is sold as an indoor houseplant. Children and pets should not be allowed to reach this plant.





Dumb Cane

The Dumb Cane is a striking shrub with clusters of big leaves and white flowers. Animals, including cats and dogs, can be harmed by this product, but humans are less likely to be affected. Cats are attracted to the Dumb Cane because of its sweet scent, which makes them chew on it more than other plants.

However, if your cat chews on this plant, it may experience drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, or even breathing problems. Your pet may eat a piece of dumb cane, so make sure you contact your veterinarian right away if you suspect this has happened.





English Ivy

English ivy is a pretty, evergreen vine that can add a touch of nature to your home. However, it also has an unfortunate tendency to spread rapidly and grow out of control. It has been reported that people who come into contact with this popular hanging plant suffer from skin irritations. It contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause severe irritation if rubbed against the skin or eaten by pets or children who play with it often.

Please seek immediate medical attention if you suspect your child or pet has eaten any part of this plant, as severe irritation can occur minutes after ingestion. Keep the roots contained in pots so they don't spread through your home or yard.





Peace Lily

Peace lilies may look pretty, but they are also toxic to cats and dogs! Peace lilies contain calcium oxalate crystals that release a milky white sap when broken open or damaged. This sap can cause severe skin irritation for humans and animals if it comes into contact with their skin or mucus membranes, such as eyes and noses. Peace lily sap is also toxic if ingested by animals and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney failure in cats and dogs.

Make sure your pets can't get to your peace lilies if you have them in your home. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to peace lily sap, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water and call your veterinarian for additional advice.






Another common houseplant often found in homes across the country is the philodendron plant. This plant's skin, leaves, and stems contain toxins that can cause rashes, nausea, and vomiting. The leaves of this plant contain calcium oxalate crystals which can cause severe irritation if they come into contact with skin or eyes.

Additionally, these crystals can be released into the air when the leaves are disturbed, which may lead to breathing difficulties if inhaled by someone allergic to them. Philodendrons are also toxic to cats, so it's best not to place them near where your cat can reach them.






The pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum), also known as devil's ivy or money plant, is an invasive vine that can be found growing wild in tropical regions such as Hawaii. Although it's not considered toxic to humans, it can cause skin irritation if handled without gloves or washed with soap before touching your eyes or mouth.

It also contains oxalic acid crystals on its leaves which can irritate the skin if touched without gloves; these crystals are harmless unless ingested by animals or young children who may put them in their mouths while playing with them.





Sago Palm

The sago palm is a common houseplant often found in homes and offices. This plant has become a favorite because of its low maintenance requirements and tolerance for low light conditions. This plant is toxic, and many people have been poisoned because they are unaware of its toxicity.

This palm is highly toxic. Its sap causes skin irritation and can even cause blindness if it gets into your eyes. The sap isn't always visible, so you could be brushing against the plant without realizing that its sap contains a toxin called cycasin that can cause liver damage in humans and other animals.

If you have children or pets, keep sago palms out of their reach and out of your home altogether if possible.


Final Words

If you want to create a natural, green environment in your home without putting yourself, your family, or pets at risk of poisoning, consider the worst houseplants to have around. Some plants have a reputation for being toxic, including many that are commonly found as indoor houseplants.

Others have a reputation for being outright deadly, with their identity as a toxin often shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Above are some common and widely cultivated plants you should be wary of to avoid accidentally poisoning your pets or loved ones!






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