What is a half- or smooth-shank screw?

If there is one topic that is guaranteed to get the Divas giggling at our workshops, it's when we talk about screwing!


That also brings up the topic of how male-orientated DIY actually is... For instance, we go shopping in a 'hard' ware store to buy 'screws' and 'nuts' - and we hammer into wall 'studs' but that's even before we discuss the sensuality of holding a 'powerful tool' in our hands! Anyway, I digress. Back to the topic of screws. When you are tackling a furniture making project, you're going to need a 'lot of different screws' - LOL.

The type of screw that you use is determined by the materials you are using, the joints you make, and what you are making.

As an example:
When making a table, chair, bookcase, or any other item where the frame has to be safely secured, you will use a half- or smooth-shank screw. "Why" you say?

As can be seen above, a pilot hole is drilled into the main board to allow the smooth section of shaft to turn freely, while the threaded section grips into the second board and pulls it towards the main board. Try this out for so that you can see for yourself the difference between a screw with a full thread, and one with a smooth thread on the shaft.