Tweet bird cage ideas

Bird cages and birdies are still popping up everywhere on the Internet. With such cute and adorable creations, how could you not have at least one birdie in your home! From wire bird cages, card bird cages, to bird cage toppers and cardboard creations - we have so many bird cages


Here's a lovely project for the DIY Kids to make. These birdie cages are made from a recycle cheese wedge box and some colourful card and wrapping paper.

I have a sneaky feeling that the birdie cages above might have been inspired by these gorgeous creations over at The Brides Cafe. Posted by guest blogger, Laurie Cinotto, these delicate bird cages would be perfect for dressing up the table for a special occasion, such as an outdoor wedding or celebration.

Laurie takes her idea one step further with her range of bird party favour baskets and wedding cake toppers. What a wonderful idea for a DIY wedding!

This delightful bird cage chandelier and table lamp is perfect for those who wish to embrace the eccentric in themselves. The wire cage is home to a menagerie of pretty coloured birds made from real feathers. Priced at around R3000 (!) - you can buy online via Graham and Green UK.



Did I type the price right? Not to mention that they are out of stock at this moment. What are you waiting for, grab some wire and a collection of birds and make your own - to keep or to sell.

Dwellings by DeVore actually make her own bird cage chandelier - shown below - and she provides a simple step-by-step tutorial on how she made a bird cage chandelier for a nursery.

BELOW: These little bird cares are just too cute for words. Made by Sanja, they consist of a wood block cut from a branch and pretty wire detailing. Christmas decorations comes to mind. These would look so unique hanging from the Christmas tree.

via flickr

Scrapbooking lovers will enjoy this beautiful cardboard bird cage by Cheery Lynn Designs. Who would believe that this bird cage is made from nothing more than card and paper.

Don't feel that you have enough creative talent to craft a bird cage, that's OK. You can always stencil a bird cage onto a blank wall for an interesting topic of conversation.

And not forgetting all our avid bakers out there... how about a bird cage cupcake. Here is the perfect accessory for a DIY wedding with a bird cage theme. Rows and rows of bird cage cupcakes courtesy of Jelly Cake.